Hey ♥ my sweet sweet Babies~ How are you today? I felt super good since yesterday! Seriously I feel so happy recently not just because attended some pamper event too. It's all about how I learn to love my life more and I'm going to get ready for smelly's birthday tomorrow. I ordered some homemade cupcakes for him and the reason why I wrote it here because I already knew he won't read my today's post since he just recover from dengue recently. Oh yea! Please be careful with it and take care yourself ya!
So yea, back to the topic now! I must blog it here before my memories fade away lolx. How come I'm so efficient one? HAHAHAAH Please kill me but I really wanna to share with you guys how fun it is especially I really don't feel I deserve all the good stuff happened recently. You know right now I'm waiting for my graduation ceremony on August and I'm super free right now *jump here & there* Then I'm super active in blogging *hug* My to-do-list check slowly decrease and at the same time slowly increase too. So I'm here to tell you that CHANWON IS BACK! Oh yea~
I'm not just dealing with good thing sometime due to the bad air pollution and stressful day I seriously need some pamper time for my body, face and just whole body! But we always tend to forget about our hair and scalp. Do you know that recently~~~ Super lastest news horrr~~ L'oreal Professionnel came out with a super AWESOME HAIR SPA?! It's their 10 years of expertise and I'm really glad that I'm one of the exclusive blogger invited to this pampering session.
I met lots of new and old friends there. Our pampering session located @ Miko Galere, Nu Sentral. It's my first time and definitely a great place to pay a visit. Nu Sentral was super 'new & fresh' for me because I have never been there before! It's a shopping mall like that located at KL Sentral. So yea..I know that it's time to pamper my scalp too. This special Hair & Scalp SPA was so great because sometime due to some external stress , pollution and humidity in our environment, we really need something to refresh our own and just BE GOOD for ourself.
All those stress , pollution and humidity will cause us to have some Dandruff Problems. It means that our scalp and hair will become MORE OILY and tend to have problem of Bad Odors too. For my case I only treatment my hair but I never thought that there have something called HAIR & SCALP SPA!! OMG Make me so curious and just follow me, I will let you know how was it♥~
Before look so tired. Very sorry about that because I slept at 3am before the event. Lol
I so stupid one I don't even know where's the location so I tagged Shirley and she directs me to the right venue. Thanks god and she was there to be my photographer of the day too. Thankiuu very much!
This is the interior design of MIKO Galere! So gold & I just love it too.
Can't wait for my session!
All friendly people behind me! Cody is the one who pamper my hair & do some little styling with all Loreal Product & Both pretty new friends behind me are from Loreal and Guen was the one who invite me for this event.
Some basic explanation given by them before the hair & scalp spa.
There are total of 4 types of hair spa offering but the latest one will be the Detoxifying* creambath (on the left with blue color label)
After consulting with them, I go for Deep Nourishing Type of Hair SPA.
My hair so so so dry I guess I need nourishing than anything!
The deep nourishing one is special for dry or damage hair like mine while the latest detoxifying is for stress scalp and hair.
Step (1)♥
After decided which to go for, the first step is scalp detoxifying by using the detoxifying scalp clay. It absorbs the excess oil and sebum purification. Cody carefully apply to each layer of my hair and this can me use on our scalp. Like a cooling mask on our face ;p After applied this I feel my scalp so cool ~~
Massage time!
Our Selfies. I didn't feel lonely or what because all of them keep talking with me. I feel so happy! HAHAAHHAAHHAH Finally I can keep talking lol
Step (2)♥
Step 2 is all about nourishing SHAMPOO! Massage time again then lots of bubbles appear on my head. Let me show you (photo above)! HAHAHAHA
Then just wash it with warm / cold water.I go for warm water! Feel so relax~
Almost fall asleep?
NO?!!! Still talking lolx

Step (3)♥
Next apply cream bath to moisturise , hydrate , soften , smoothen and nourishing our hair.

Step (4)♥
Last step before blow dry my hair. It's special design for us you can choose the concentrate serum between hydrating / purifying or stimulating. For me I picked stimulating concentrate because my hair so so so thin I need some anti-thinning formula that can improve our micro blood circulation on our scalp.
But still have to end it with lots of love. Lolx After all the Spa session then it's time to blow dry my hair!
My hair really smooth one! Not joking one seriously!This spa session is just works magically like those normal treatment but this is more relax and more massage on our scalp.
Can't wait to selfies with my hair! I wanna look like this in every event and photo!

Selfies Mode [ON]
Okay la Don't wanna make you all vomit with my face. So as usual after my pampering session I bumped into the next session with Bobo & Doris too.
Next, continue taking photo but this time I'm not holding the camera but just pose around and I just feel so love with my hair after pamper with the Hair Spa.
Thanks Miko Galere ♥ Is me again ^.^ ♥
Another Me! Smile and pose until tired! xD
Since I got nothing to do and everyone just busy with their hair spa.
So I just....
So yea, come to the end of the post I would like to say a BIG THANKS to all of the people I met on that event. Thanks for making it happen and all the pampering session. Special thanks L'oreal for all the sponsored product & making my hair beautiful especially targeted for my hair. Had a blast on it especially feel super relax and happy after that! You know what I need and Thanks Guen for explaining each product for me + teach me how to use it. Finally I can try their styling hair spray and I NEED THAT BADLY feel like grabbing few more to keep it if not later I finish I don't know where can i GET leh! (always worry out of stock! HAAHAHHAA)
Plus, I always telling you guys how I love to use paraben FREE and natural product on my face. Now they even came out with this kind of HAIR PRODUCT! OMG OMG! Thanks a lot and I got the same range of Trial size shampoo that I bought from previous beauty box too. Now it's time to prepare for a GIVEAWAY for all of you. Stay tuned!!
Enjoy reading & this is all for today. Lots of LOVE XX♥ ♥ .
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