My Top Favourite Color Contact Lens #ChanwonDieDieMust

09 April 2020

Hello my sweeties fam✨ I can't believe it's April now and I guess most of us still #StayAtHome for now due to the MCO covid-19. I have been thinking and discussion with my team on the upcoming project. Also replying some of your dm through instagram. While replying my dm, I received a lot of dm regarding my daily wear contact lens, what I prefer then send some of the selfie photo of mine just to ask for my daily contact lens.

I have been wearing contact lens for years now, especially lately I have been changing from monthly contact lens to daily one as it's more convenient for me and for monthly contact lens, it's no longer suitable for my eyes as I often feel it's really dry for it + I don't wear my monthly contact lens everyday in a monthly basis. So to make use of it, I started to wear and buy DAILY one rather than monthly disposable contact lens. Mainly because I'm always on the go, traveling and I prefer just to wear and throw it away at the end of the day + no need to bring the contact lens liquid solution & casing with me every time I'm traveling.

So I guess I'm more of a daily contact lens user now. So far so good and all of these #ChanwonDieDieMust contact lenses are something that I have been re-purchase it whenever I'm in oversea or KL. I still buying and trying other brands but here's the TOP 3 I always stock up. If you want me to count it out for you guys, I guess I bought over 50-100 boxes on each of these brand.


The first one (left on the photo above) is my No.1 top picks over these year. It's from Japan and you can only purchase in Japan or Taiwan. I went to Watsons in Taiwan and I spot these but slightly exp than Japan. In Japan, I often bought mine from Don Quijote. It's sooooo freaking natural and beautiful. I love grey and brown cosmetic lens and I have tried on so many brand, ONLY THIS, I always end up stock up for more than 10 boxes in my vanity table. 

I often look scary or look like animal's eyes when I wear those brown / grey color cosmetic contact lens.  Ended up I might just regret on what I bought but this is the one and only brown color lens I love so far. Very natural and most importantly, it's suitable on our asian eyes. Not too natural or too much. Just the nice amount of brown and loving the gradient as well. Some brown lens is too much on my eyes, some is just too natural, like no diff with my own eyes color but this one is just perfect.

Highly recommend but compare with the rest I mentioned on this post, this is more pricey. I often wear during an important event in my life or maybe I have a full day shooting / production shoot with my team. No matter how you go with your makeup (natural or heavy style), this is just the perfect one. Now let me show you some of the photo I took when I'm wearing this lens. 

 The super close-up photo. Original from the camera without any edit. So freaking nice!

 With studio lighting. Taken during one of my bathtub theme shoot last year.

Indoor selfie with the contact lens. If you taking selfie with your flash on, it's more obvious and beautiful but as you guys know, I prefer without flash one.

If you spot this anywhere in Japan / Taiwan. Try this color Choco Tart, it's very pretty. This whole series of FLANMY contact lens actually available in more than 6 colors. Everything is in brown theme. I tried ALL OF IT, by far this is my favourite because the rest is too natural on me. Like I didn't wear or the brown color isn't showed on my eyes. If you have light color eyes, then you can try the rest of the color but this CHOCO TART is my Top 1 for sure. 

It always run out of stock, so every time I'm in Japan I will make sure to get enough one which last me for few months. My purchase experience is when it comes to purchase a cosmetic contact lens, Taiwan will be much easier than in Japan. So yea, just get this whenever you spot this. It's not dry and last me for a whole 7-8 hours. Personally I really love love love love this one and highly recommend to you guys. It's why it's in my #ChanwonDieDieMust buy list.


The second one is the Pegavision Black color contact lens. When I look at the box I thought it's label as grey color but NOPE, the one I'm wearing is actually black color. For those who might wonder, this black actually look like grey color on my eyes. I dunno why they label this as in black but compare to other grey color contact lens, this is much nicer with or without any sunlight. Let me show you.

As you can see the grey is really natural and photo here taken beside window. You wont like like an animal or snake's eyes at all. It's quite barbie looking with enlargement effect as well. With this contact lens, just a simple eyeliner can makes your eyes look bigger and go well with any eyeshadow colors as well. I bought this in Watsons Taipei, Taiwan. It's 20 lenses each box.

Here's another close-up for you. See, it's really not black color at all. I have been using this for years as well but this contact lens only last me for 6 hours. Last time I can wear this whole day but after the eye infection and the longer time I use laptop, currently once after photo shoot or half day of outdoor activities, I will need to take off and wear back my daily spec.

But for normal users like you guys, I think it can last around 7-8 hours of comfy level, but still depend your eyes as well. I remember I used to feature this on one magazine's beauty column few years ago. So here's still my favourite. Other grey color lens is just too weird for me but this one, just nice. You guys can try if you love natural grey color. With flash it's more obvious but with natural sunlight, it's just like the selfie (1st photo of me wearing this lens).


So all of these are daily disposable lens I love within these few years. Unlike the first two I mentioned in this post, this define 1 day acuvue is more like a daily wear lens. It's really natural and if I didn't go with the first two (which mainly wear on a proper shoot) I will definitely go with this one. There are more than 5 colors available in this whole series. 2 new color came out last year , so ended up it's 7 color in the whole series and I have been wearing 4 from these series since the beginning of year 2019 due to I can't always stock up the first two which I normally purchased in Japan & Taiwan.

For me this define 1 day contact lens is something that we can wear as our daily lens. It's natural with just the right amount of enlargement. If you look and scroll through my instagram photo, those eyes without spec and look natural (without brown / grey color) one is because I'm wearing this define contact lens. 

I love color #Radiant Chic the most. Although it means to look brown on the photo but on my eyes, it's just a little bit, like couldn't see any brown at all. Maybe my natural eyes color is too dark color. I tried the whole series, Radiant Sweet / Chic / Bright / Vivid, if you love super natural one can go with  VIVID / BRIGHT / SWEET, if you love something making your eyes look more radiant and more 有靈魂, go with Radiant Chic. 

 So as you can see, my eyes look really natural with their lens.

 This too!

Only when you zoom in for a closer look then you can spot a little diff. But from far it's really just like our own eyes but slightly more enhance and radiant. This contact lens can be found at all optic store in Malaysia. Even can purchase it online. I often got mine in Mid Valley ground floor because there is the store that I always pass by when having a meeting in KL. 


So I guess that's all about my top favourite color contact lens sharing. Hope it's useful for you as it's one of the top asked question within this few years. Finally I'm here to share my secret weapon with you all. For me, it's really important to wear the right color contact lens during my shoot or when I have an important event. I honestly can't live without contact lens but whenever I'm not working, maybe not having a shoot I still stick with my daily spec (the vintage gold spec which I own). Next time when people ask me again with this similar question, then I can just throw this link for them :p Opps, not throw, I mean I will link this blog post for them to refer. So here's my top favourite contact lens from 2017-2020. 

If I have any new favourite or recommendation then I will share it again on my blog or instagram. See you guys on my next post! Take care and stay at home together 💕 Love, xoxo.

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