04 March 2020

*Updated 20 March 2020*
Hello Sweeties✨ Welcome back to my blog. I'm really happy to announce *like finally* the #MassiveGiveaway for #chanwondotcom. It's been awhile and I actually wanted to do it like how I did for the past 4 years, announcing it at the end of the year 2019 but due to moving office, moving house, renovation on my new house, pre-wedding shoot, travel trips, plus lots of to-do on my list & so on.

So finally I'm all settled down. I can finally list this out one by one for you guys. Previously I host around 20 sets for the year-end massive giveaway, this year since my follower are growing, I decided to make it a total of 24 sets with more choice on the product set. The next thing is, upcoming I will have another 100k *hopefully soon* giveaway with limited edition merchandiser. So I die-die must announce this as soon as possible.

I remember I posted this through my instagram stories asking to extend it until this Feb, 2020 and everyone is so looking forward for this. I myself really excited to share this with you as well. Moreover, in year 2019 I also hosted lots of giveaway mainly through my instagram platform. I'm really happy to do that for my sweeties fam! So today, I prepared a total of 24 sets for you guys. Can't believe I'm doing this for such a long time. I guess this should be the 5th / 6th Massive Giveaway?!!!

I remember I mentioned this on why 2018 massive giveaway post:-

My friends who came to my space asked me like ' why don't you sell it? you can definitely earn some money from that'. I can't do that because it will be unfair and I thought to share all of these product with you guys.

Part of the giveaway contribute by the brands that I have work with for the past few years, some I received as a gift, some is from my PR kit, the remaining is what I bought for you guys. You guys deserve it and I will always remember how supportive you are on my blogging journey. Hope you guys also got the opportunity to try on new and nice beauty products.

But I'm really happy that I have two precious #TeamChanwon to help me on the wrapping and picking process as well. Save my life as I remember last time when I'm doing it alone, it takes up to weeks just to arrange it, deciding which set, wrapping and looking for recycling boxes and everything. Then most of the time I will just leave it there at a corner of my house and now I have a bigger working studio, I can finish packing it right away and photo taking for each set as well.

 On the way to your doorstep! To all the lucky winners, Good luck!

So this year, there are also products for hair, skincare, makeup, stationery, beauty and body. Hope you guys pick on whichever set that caught your attention / love. At the end of this blog post, I'm going to let you know how-to-join, as usual, the steps are exactly the same with the past few years lol. Just to make sure everyone know how to join and then can get a chance to win something home.


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It's easy to join. Every year #MassiveGiveaway I have the same how-to-join detail! HAHAHAAH This giveaway is specially for sweetie who love my blog and supported me over the past few years ❤️

(1) Just comment on this blog post below & instagram post (can copy and paste on ig comment) WHICH SET you like + REASON WHY YOU FOLLOW ME. Next, tag 3 of your friends on the instagram comment. (click here if you can't find the insta post)

Extra point: After done comment, just share the instagram post on your instagram post OR Stories. Can also paste your comment on your stories as well.  On your instagram stories/ post, you can @chanwon92 and hashtag #chanwondotcom so that I can notice your comment ❤️

That's all about the giveaway contest and giveaway winner will be announce on the 19th March 2020. Will announce it on my instagram and updating it on this blog post too. Hope you can win something you like and I will pay the postage / delivery expenses myself.  Everything will be deliver to your doorstep before the end of March 2020.


Finally, here's the lucky winners list. Thank you so much for joining the giveaway. I hope to pick all of you guys due to the giveaway only allow me to pick 24 lucky winners :'( Hope all of you who get the giveaway sets will love it and do let me know your phone no, receiver name and address as well. Have a nice day!

@eleeeeen @cweiyan @sitingggg @chantellecycy @nanananami_97 @soamminlin @love.lyshane @cheeyin_yong @wonderpowered @umbrella_92 @nic0l3ee @sijingtoh @florrieeonetwothree @yuanying1406 @jiawensew @elaineyap25 @meimun_ @yujiieee @ruxuanseng @yeexienong @foonghueyyy @eri_lish @laitheng_21 @kehsingx

Thank you for joining and will deliver it out within this month and latest can be receive on the first week of April (due to the movement restriction on covid-19). Have a nice day!


  1. I hope I can win set 5, or set 24. The reason why I pick this two set because of my skin, my acne has been followed me over years, it’s really struggle for me, I loss confidence when I looking at me , so I hope I have this opportunity to try on the peachy collagen or fresh product! ������

  2. Hi Chanwon!

    I'm interested with Set 17. The reason why I follow you cause you're funny, pretty and always being yourself. This motivates me to be "Just Be Yourself".

    P/S: One little small comment is that maybe you can change abit of your introduction next time cause I noticed all your recent blogposts keep begin with "Hello Sweeties✨ Welcome back to my blog." but that shows that I'm genuinely read your blog.

    Wishing you that can achieve 100,000 followers in Instagram soon.

  3. I wish to get set 5 in your massive giveaway contest. Reason of it because I want to be beautiful skin as you, As your forehead is Super Super bright �� and you have a smooth skin ☺️

  4. I would like set 24. The reason why I followed chanwon as she travels alot she often would give tips and tricks which is so useful. Furthermore she is also a gudetama fan just like me. And her pictures are so aesthetic and she often tells like what place to visit whenever she's travels

  5. Set 5. I like Chanwon is because she's a very true person and she did treating everyone even unknown nicely unless she really got pissed off by those annoying person. Thanks for always sharing travel tips, households, beauty info and spreading positive vibes to all of the people.

  6. I like Set 24☺️, I followed you because of seeing your Japan travel photos on IG and when I dm you,you really got reply my message, so touching💕I love the way you write in your blog and Instagram.. You're so lovely❤️

  7. 我想要 set 24 ~ 因為 fresh 的產品我一直很想要 try 但沒機會 try 過
    follow chanwon 的原因很簡單 ~ 妳很真 不做作 好用的都會 share 出來 而不是因為業配去說那個產品好用 ~ 看到妳今天的成就完完全全都是靠努力拼下來的 ~ 的確是喔學習の榜樣 💪🏻😘

  8. hii chanwon! I like set 22! Always have been your fan since 2 years ago. You’re always so true to yourself, laugh also HAHAHAHA and I love how you always never fail to give tips to your sweeties <3 so happy for you! 100k YAY!

  9. Hi Chanwon, I like the set 17. The reason I follow you because I love you being you and always sharing good stuffs with the followers. ❤️

  10. I wish to get set 24 in your massive giveaway contest. Reason I follow you is because your chanwondiediemustbuy. You will recommend what you feel truly good and not because of 业配, and because of the product itself.

  11. I would really wish to win Set 24! I have been always searching for the right skincare product. My face is combination skin and i could never find the right skincare product since my young days. My skin always experience dehydration and breakouts. I really hope to win this set, so that I'll be able to use this product to leverage and share how you have saved my skin! I have been a follower of yours since age 16 and now I am 21.I am able to get benefiting advices especially on japanese brands that I never knew that can change my life. I love to see your adventures about japan and wish to some day visit Japan! I have always joined your giveaway but have never won once.

  12. hi Chanwon, I would like to win set 12 ��
    I have been following you for quite sometime and I like how you actually sharing your life, feeling and tips, from big and small with your followers ����

  13. Hello chanwon, I’d like to win set5. The reason why I follow you because of the way you live your life is one of my inspirations. Although I’m not your super long fans (2years only) but I still find your blog & ig stories funny yet inspiring. Keep it up & be happy as always!!!

  14. Wish to get set5 or set24 in your massive giveaway. I like to follow your ig storied and post because it with lots of information in skin care/ travel/beauty. Appreciate your hardworking to analyse all the info for reader/follower. And congratulation bride to be :) touching moment and funnies dress code when get propose ��

  15. I'm interested in set 5 :)

    The reason I started following you is because previously I saw your blog post on braces for my own research and references as I want to get braces too xD

    Then I started following you on Instagram.I then slowly found out that you are such an inspiring and amazing person. You are so humble although you have quite a big achievement until now already. You talk very funny and always challenge yourself on new stuffs :) I always look at you dancing when I'm sad tbh but now I look at your dance videos to inspire myself on not giving up!!!

    You are so pretty chanwon, you have a pretty and kind heart too, you always reply my dm so kindly and give me advices whenever I ask suggestion on certaincertain products :) Thank you so much for being such a 亲民的网红 ❤️ Thank you for being such a wonderful inspiring person!

  16. 只要你送的set我都喜歡!從我form2就關注你到現在(偷偷告訴你,我現在25歲了)如果我收到了!我會炫耀告訴別人!是chanwon送我的♡♡♡
    好幾次我都在one u,心裡都是小小激動和旁人說 chanwon欸!(心裡小鹿亂撞) 看著你blogger到現在的Instagrammer,現在要100k了,你好像我的整個青春一樣 希望你越做越成功!越來越幸運

  17. I want set 24! The reason I follow Chan Won is because you are so nice and down-to-earth, and always sharing only real reviews that benefit your fans (not like some other influencers who will say good things as long as they get paid). You’re sincere, genuine and I’m happy to see you continuous improving yourself throughout the years. Hope you can keep up the good work, and I would love to see more great content from you!

  18. Hi Chanwon, set 5 is touching my heart, i'm actually planning to go japan in this month and this product is one of my purchase list. BUT too bad due to the Covid-19, i cancelled my whole japan trip ������.and with your crystal bright skin, i believe definitely this product is working amazingly!!
    The reason i'm following you is because of my frd who give me Tryme as a gift and she told me to follow ur instagram on how to use it. And well, i hav learn so much beauty tips from your post❤️❤️

  19. One year once. I love set 13. I remember when I look forward insta and I saw you in a event showcase. Then this is how I know "Chanwon" a blogger which is hamble and speak the truth not fake at all. Love the way you share travel story, commercial corporate life and introduce some new people or stuff to others. You really are a lovely girl and always being so nice to everyone. ❤️

  20. Hi chanwon! I hope to win set 11 or set 24, because I have very dehydrated skin and i am interested with makeup products!
    I have been following you for more than 4years, I still remember I was still in secondary school and now I am a university student already! The reason why I follow you for so long is because you always cheer me up and motivates me because whenever you face any obstacles, you will face it in a positive way. I love your girl power, no matter how bad or how unlucky your day is, you will always fix it and make it better. This is the major point that I want to learn from you, and I think that's why you are so successful in life!
    Besides, I follow you because you always share die die must buy items, for a new person to all makeup products like me, you have helped me a lot when choosing a suitable skin product, and also getting know of new products in the market which I have never seen before!
    Lastly, it is because of your cheerful personality, and you treat your followers like your friends, sometimes even reply our messages when you are on your trip or very tired. I really love your personality as a whole. You're not only an influencer but my role model! I hope go win a giveaway from you! Thank you chanwon!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Hi Chanwon, any set will be fine for me as I’m here to support you as usual🥰 There’re so so much of reason that I follow you because you’re really REAL and be YOURSELF all the time! Recommend us anything from bottom of your heart and put so much of effort on your post/blog especially your travel itinerary💪🏻The most friendly KOL who take care your sweeties as always. Happy 100k🥳

  23. Hello from East Malaysia. I wish to win set 24. I had been following you few years ago until today. Your lifestyle and several kind of travel achievement had always become my everyday motive to work hard so that I can be like you one day. ❤️

  24. I love set 4 😍Reasons of supporting you all these years are because you are too good on makeup, hairdos, skincare, and those inspiring life experiences & thoughts. You are always the best inspirational influencer! Nevertheless, you are the reason that I always found the right and good products. TQVM❤️🌸

  25. Hi Chanwon, I like the set 24!!!The reason why I followed you because I like your attitude and positive energy that always bring happiness + positive charge for me❤️

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hi lovely! I wish to get Set 20 from your massive giveaway! Although I wasn't the one who followed you since you long long time ago but I guess about 2-3 years and I truly believe you are an honest influencer (this is super important in this industry)!!! I really like to see your Japan related stories as it helps me to prepare my upcoming Japan trip. <3

  28. I wish to get set 5 because I’ve been trying for quite a few brands of collagens but can’t find one that’s really good and effective on me. TBH, my skin condition is not good and I’m same age with you ( age is women’s secret...hahaha) already. So, I hope I can get set 5 to improve my skin condition and delay aging. Hahaha. Reason I followed your instagram is because there are a lot of positive vibe in your profile and very informative. Get a lots of skin care tips and travel recommendations from you. Thanks a lot

  29. I would like set 24. When my first time follow You , I think is on Instagram. And why I follow, is because of ur laugh 😆, I’m the person like to laugh always and don’t care everyone watching or stare at me. Because I really a “ da da lie lie” de person . When the person who always laugh a lot infront , they are actually pretend tough . When in the room , it’s have many emotional. had been seen you walk through the hard time. You still being a real you and I like the way you give a lot of happiness to everyone & family. Keep it up! And happy marriage ❤️

  30. Hello Chan Won 💓 I wish to get #set5 💓
    I was following you since years ago on instagram and then only I found you are actually a blogger! Pretty and talented. You always give alots of useful information on travel or makeup or skincare tips! Your sharing on the products really helps! 🔥 And I love your positive vibes as well 💓

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Hi Chanwon
    I wish to get set 5 or set 22.
    I quite like u, u so real n nice.
    Not a fake person. Forgive my broken english.

    Quite like the product you always introduce. Like the nunature shampoo ❤ it so much.
    After delivery baby hair fall quite serious , after that saw your insta know about Nunature shampoo. Use until now , my hair drop less d ❤ Now another baby is otw coming out d~ so hope to get a collagen drinks to recover myself ��

  33. Dear Chanwon, is me again trying my luck in your exciting annual Massive Giveaway 😍😍 This time I would love to have SET 5 🖐🏻, yes, SET 5 please !! 🤩

    I have been following you a few years ago ♥️ Always love to see your insta stories, basically I watched every single of your stories every night before I sleep 😂 You’re just so cute no matter you’re happy with some small stuff or get pissed of by some incidents 🤭 Love to interact with you & I’m so glad that you actually reply my insta msg 🤭

    Once again, thank you for your sharing (especially #chanwondiediemust list! You really save me in Japan!) Congrats 🥳 on your achievement now & hope you get more and more followers!! ♥️ Love !!

  34. Omg Can I get set 24 fresh products, bitte 🙌 really hope to get it. Have been follow you since you many years ago don’t even know exactly the years because happy to see your progression from no one to getting popular and successful(getting recognized) and that bring a lot of encouragement and positivity. Furthermore, liking how you recommends good stuffs even though some time can be a lil long winded. Hehe. Hope to stand a chance to win this. <3

  35. I wish to win Set 12.
    The reason why I have been following you is because you did a great job for every posts/tutorial such as skincare and makeup.
    Even though is a sponsor post but you still do your best to provide honest review.
    No matter how, I wish you all the best in your career path ��

    Love, Lydia.

  36. I wish could win Set 24! But if can't get that, Set 5 also is my favourite! The reason i follow you because i feel you are real and always give good and honest review... Always give and share good recommendation especially on skincare and cosmetic products that makes me feel like giving them a try. Hope you will keep up for what you have been doing... Especially that you are not 做作!! That is the most i like about you.. Thanks for this giveaway and hope i can win it!!

  37. Hi Chanwon I wish to get SET 1!I'm a fan of cartoon especially Minnie Mouse.
    The reason why I choose SET 1 is because I know skincare is way more important than makeup. But there is no way to stop me from make up on daily basis (to work ~) So I really need to balance up between skin care and make up. SET 1 including Jeju Orchid Enriched Cream Set, during night time, this helps my skin to stay hydrated and to fight aging! While for the Tom and Jerry Eyeshadow, during daytime I can apply them to work yayyy!

    The reason I like you, not sure if you still remember we met during Linda Chung Bio Essence Event, that was the first time we met and you are so friendly. We chit chat for almost an hour while waiting for Linda Chung. We share the photography skill and travel plan (Japan). Another reason is because 你不做作,很真!

  38. Hii Chanwon �� 我希望可以拿到set1因为太可爱啦 ! 想买但买不下手 �� Follow 你的原因是因为你很真很漂亮 有时又很搞siao �� 而且每次介绍的东西真的很好用 而且去日本旅行都是从你blog那里挖出来的�� 真的很喜欢你 我最爱的influencer ����

  39. Hello the real Chanwon❤️ I am Jess from Kuantan. The vital reason I follow you is just because you always spread the happiness & cheerful to others. And thank you for your 良心介绍 all the time�� When I am seeking for some housewares or skin care will definitely stalk for your stories ”Chanwon diedie must have” series���� Btw, I would like to get the awesome set 5 from you �� Hopefully will bright & fair like you after consume the collagen haha! Thank you ❤️

  40. Dear Chanwon,

    Thank you for taking time out to organise this massive giveaway again. I am interested in #Set 1 if I am one of the lucky pick :)

    REASON WHY I FOLLOW YOU - Because I love seeing the positive vibes from your posts , including IG stories. Secondly, I may not have the opportunities to travel so often now but I'd enjoy all the photos that you have taken. Last but not least, you're being true to yourself and that's how you motivate me since the day I followed you. Good luck and stay healthy as always!

  41. Hi ChanWon,
    I would like to win set 1 because its Minnie mouse! ❤️ The reason why I follow you is because you have a beautiful blog and you are a beauty yourself ♥️

  42. Hi ChanWon, i wish to get the set 5 ! As i really do wanna try some collagen product. The reason why I follow you is amazed by your lifestyle and the way you live. Every product you recommend,is really so useful and so worth it ! From you, i can learn how to be a sucessful woman ! You are one of my idol that inspired me a lot !

  43. Hi ChanWon��, I like Set 1♥️, I followed you because you inspire me how to make up, how to dress nicely, get to know lot of traveling tips and tips for skin scare. I think that you are really heartwarming because I had one time reply your post, that post is at um and you were there for your friend graduation and you reply my comment and I got shocked��. You are so sweet�� thanks for replying my comment♥️

  44. I wish to get set 24 in your massive giveaway�� I like fresh product so muchhhhh
    The reason why I follow you just because I like the way how you sharing your life❤️ and always “做真正自己的你” . Your attitude to life always motivate me���� 要说真的很多说不完,最喜欢每次看你笑的脸蛋哈哈!�� 你是我最喜欢的Blogger没有之一❤️ The best inspirational influencer!Congratulations in advance for the soon 100k followers������

  45. Hi Chanwon!! So happy this massive giveaway is here again.. i wish & hope i can get set 24 or set 22 because i really hope that my skin & hair can return to how it used to be before i gave birth to my lil baby boy. The reason I follow you on IG was very simple actually!! I love the way you just be yourself sharing lots of tips, stories & deal for all your followers. It was useful & it is fun watching it after a long day at work.
    I really enjoy all your blog bout Japan & hopefully one day i can be there as well.. love those beautiful picture & scenery you share. Last but not least, congratulations once again bride to be!! Hope next time we can also see Chanwon blog about baby tips & family vlog too hehehe...

  46. Hello Chanwon ���� I wish I could get SET 24 as I love the product so much and the reason that make me follow you is because of your smile and you’re being who you are ���� Hope I’m lucky enough in this massive give away ��

  47. Hi Chanwon , I've been waiting for this every year end for your massive giveaway ! Joined almost every year and didn't get a chance , I hope this year will be my lucky year ! Been eyeing on the set 24 because I'm a rose lover and I always test on their tester whenever I enter Sephora ! So tempting but ended up did not buy due to budget constraints . Hahaha . The main reason I followed you because of your generosity and your real personality towards all your readers and followers . Also why I followed u for a long long time :D . Saw u grow and glow along your journey as a KOL is not an easy process ! But your effort really inspiring ! Keep it up Chanwon !

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. 哟! smelly 未婚妻, 哈哈!没想到2020年可以真么称呼你了!再次恭喜你!我今天是来要四号礼物的,四号!四号!四号!重要东西讲三遍。。哈哈哈 因为Paul & Joe 的产品都是好评不断的,再加上你那么用心做giveaway 我当然要捧场啦(其实我更想要礼物)哈哈哈~ 你知道的啦,你的follower都是讲话不转弯抹角的人。可是都是好心肠哦~ 都是大美人来着~ 继续share好康啊~ 愛你莫莫哒~

  50. 哟! smelly 未婚妻, 哈哈!没想到2020年可以真么称呼你了!再次恭喜你!我今天是来要四号礼物的,四号!四号!四号!重要东西讲三遍。。哈哈哈 因为Paul & Joe 的产品都是好评不断的,再加上你那么用心做giveaway 我当然要捧场啦(其实我更想要礼物)哈哈哈~ 你知道的啦,你的follower都是讲话不转弯抹角的人。可是都是好心肠哦~ 都是大美人来着~ 继续share好康啊~ 愛你莫莫哒~

  51. I’m interested with set 5 Or 8��
    Followed you for quite some time already as I like how passionate and how “real” you are . In this era where everyone just getting pay for sponsorship, you insist to share products that you really like and think it’s good for us only. That’s the reason why everytime “chanwon say die die must buy”, We will just follow and grab one! And I’m so happy that finally smelly proposed to you! Looking at your proposal, i did tear a little, as though my close friend is getting married! I hope you will continue to share good content with us and continue to be who you are❤️ And last but not least! Pick me pick me pick me!

  52. Hello ChanWon! I’m CheeYin!
    First of all, I found you are really an amazing girl! Seeing your post just will make me happy Hahahaha. I like your laughing, seriously. I feel you always in a good mood and can bring a lot of joy to people around you! Such a sweet girl. You are real good blogger. You can affect people around you and be happy. I love to laugh to and my voice is loud. So people around me always say I have a loud volume ahahahaha. Congrats in advance for your 100k followers in instagram! I am the 1 in the 100k! Ahhaahha. I would like any gifts that you gift me. Whichever also will be happy cause it’s like a luck that receive from you.

    Go girl! ♥️

  53. I would like to get my hands on set 5 cause I've been wanting to try it ever since you started drinking it but still 不舍得.

    Have been following you all this while cause of how true you are, the way you talk about the products you love always sounded genuine, tried a few products you liked and they usually does the same for me. Also loved how u r abit aunty at times. ..but always really kind. Met u once at soimjenns event and it was unforgettable how u were all dolled up but trying to get us free flow taufufa. Love how u dont just focus on beauty products but also promotes household products and girl hygiene products . Super helpful! ������And i appreciate tht. .keep up the good work being so down to earth all the time.
    Lovely photos all the time too! Bonus!

  54. I would love to have SET 24! I follow you because of your genuine sharing on all your posts; you will only recommend good things you tried before to your followers. Apart from that, I like to see your travel photos :)

  55. 第一次参加你的giveaway,我想要得到set5,因为我很少去尝试,但是一直下不了手,而且我看你很推荐,所以想试看❤️关注是你因为你人很可爱 很真诚不做作❤️

  56. Dear Chanwon,

    I was followed you quite Long time’s ago. Last year I have choose my favourite items but I never get it. Therefore this times I wish to get set 5, is because I want to try the collagen Long times ago. Hopefully this times can get it❤️

  57. Hi Chan won, I love to have your massive giveaway #set 23.

    The reason why I follow you for this past 2 year because I so happy and excited when you always share a place to visit in IG, especially your favorite place #japan.. Because me also so into Japan.. Hehe. You also never fail to reply my dm.. Very much appreciated it.. Thanks ya. In also in this opportunity, congratulations on your coming big day.. Stay happy, always humble, be kind.. Love from Sarawak ❤️

  58. Dear Chanwon,

    I was followed you quite Long time’s ago. Last year I have choose my favourite items but I never get it. Therefore this times I wish to get set 5, is because I want to try the collagen Long times ago. Hopefully this times can get it❤️ the reason why I follow u is I like your insta and blog there have a lot of thing that you intro to us eg ur travel, make up tutorials and so on.

  59. Hello ChanWon 💞
    I really wish to get Set 1. Reason being I hope to give the Innisfree's most popular anti-aging cream to my mom and the palette for myself as I've been wanting to get one for work life in future.
    I've stumbled upon your account and been following you since few years ago. That's because we share the same love and passion for Japan (although I've only visited once) and gudetama. I also like the fact that you're so generous in sharing goodies and exclusive contents (beautiful hidden gems in Japan) with your followers. Furthermore, I enjoy reading your blog posts, especially your diary entries, as you show your honest feelings and thoughts. I like that your attitude towards your followers is always earnest and honest which can be seen from the way you take your time to reply each and everyone of us.
    Whether or not I win this contest, I do genuinely hope that you'll get the 100K soon and continue growing without forgetting why you started ❤️

  60. Howdy Chanwon,i would really wish to get set24✨.It's because that's the product that i wish to try for so long dy. I did really love your positive vibes that you spread to us. Always appreciate that you share your travel exp, tips for makeup, ways to style up and so many more that you know for us. I love your sharing attitude, it always share from your heart and i did some great haul sometimes hehe. Thank you for always put sweetie at a important place and this is what not always a blogger will did it. And i'm so suprise that you will replied my insta mssg (like always), thank you so much for that. I love your ootd that you posted, it's always wont sienz and u match it pretty well. Hope that you have get more sleep and well rested! And also, I wish you the best in your endeavour. Stay sweetsss, Chanwon!♥

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Set23. Follow你的原因呢,因为我也是日本的铁粉(很爱到日本旅游), 喜欢看你分享日本旅游的景点,产品,文化,穿着打扮, 看到你去的地方想说有机会就过去打卡。我的梦想就是走遍全日本��(虽然有人觉得我疯了,一直要去日本),但是日本就是一个去不腻的国家啊。就像看你的sharing也看不腻,会继续支持你,加油!

  63. I personally like set 24. (Though it doesn’t really matter which set because every sets are sincerely prepared by you to your devoted sweeties and followers).

    I started follow you ever since you started blogging. Everyday I’m so looking forward to your insta stories especially #ChanWonDieDieMustBuy.

    Thank you for being kind, sincere and loving not only to yourself, your loved one and your family but also to your followers. Thank you 😊💕

  64. I wish I could be the lucky one to win away set 5 �� I followed you back in year 2015 and got closer to you in year 2017. Reason why I followed you is because You’re really genuine in whatever you share, you tried it first before sharing & I truly admire for you being you ❤️ Lastly, Congratulations in advance for hitting 100K �� ��

  65. I would love to get Set 5 as you've been recommending it since Day 1 saying how much the collagen helped you. I followed you because you're very truthful, honest, aunty style like me, friendly and never stop learning new things which I love and inspire most. You've really become a influencer that influenced me in a good way. Keep it up Chanwon!

  66. chanwon, been following you since many years. Maybe because of your travel blog u shared really helps me when I go travel ��
    really like the way how you shared your day with us and always shared with us the good product that you used. The product u always recommend never fails me to go and buy ��

    真的为你开心呀 and now u become successful for those hard work , 辛苦你了❤️
    Thankyou chanwon for having this massive giftaway. It really warm my heart
    I really hope I can get the set 24 because always get this to my friend but I 不舍得买给自己 been wanted to try this brand or set 16 maybe if I don’t hv a chance Hahahahah .

  67. Hey, chanWon.I hope I can win set 5 cause I heard people said that hotomugi is quite good for skin.
    I been follow you on IG for a long time, to be honest, at first I follow just because u also the fans of gudaetama. Haha it's serious. But after I saw u always tell people how to have skincare and you always try your best to share with your fans and you are someone generous to fans always help and answer our questions even that you don't really know us. You have cheer me up when I'm in down cause you are someone who always smile. Life is not easy, I'm appreciate that ig and gudaetama let me know someone amazing like you.
    Thanks to hold the massive giving!

  68. Hi Chanwon, I really like set 1 so much!!! I not sure you still remember me, cause I only met you once before when you having an event in Penang. And of course have take photo with you too haha. Because of you, I know baobao as well. Last year I purposely go tiny baker see whether can meet you there or not. I think I followed you since last two years, you always bring your sweeties happiness and positive charge. Now, you having your new family with smelly soon, really felt so happy for you ! Lastly, hope to see you again and happy 100k ️❤️ ❤️

  69. Dear Chanwon, I wish to win set 12 😊
    The reasons why I following you:
    1.You are the most real influencer that I have ever met
    2.You always try your best to reply your followers all messages , this really made me impressed
    3.You always provide us with many useful travel hacts, die die recommend products, as well as promo code to let your followers have chances to try on new products and many others
    4.You spread knowledge on how to choose make up, skin care products to your followers
    5.Always give chances to us to meet with you,to attend different kond of event/flower decoration classes/etc, you are so kind and friendly to us
    6.Love the way how you be so confident in front of crowd, give me energy to learn to be confident as you
    .......... Still got Too many reasons inside my heart❤️ haha..
    Thanks for organising again the giveaway, hope I can receive the set to celebrate my birthday on end of march🎂😁🎉

  70. I would like to get set 5 or 24 because I’ve been hearing so much of good reviews on fresh product but didn’t get to buy it cus they are so pricey! The reason I followed you from the start is because I feel that you are very genuine. You will share all the products if you really like it! And because of you, I tried out a lot product u recommended without hesitate, like canmake, nunature, dr wu toner, collagen powder, bird nest, & even finally I decided to do my braces with 32t too!!!

    I followed you since before you got your braces, and you always so brave, willing to try, and you keep improving! Like your English! I’m really proud of you

  71. Hi chan won, I love to have your massive giveaway of Set 1 mickey ❤️

    My love to you and mickey was the same. I had follow you about 3-4 years and I love your insta story because you always do yourself �� and share a lots of positive thing to all your followers.��

    I also loves ♥️ to see all the photos and video that taken by you when you're travelling��. It motivated me to earn more money so that I can go travel like you. Hahahah
    Of course, all the products the introduce by you I had actually tried 70% of them and all of these are really nice ��

    Lastly, I really hope that I can have the mickey set 1 from you ❤️

  72. Hi Chanwon ! I wish to get set 24 because I want to try Fresh product for long time and tried the tester in Sephora , I love the smell so much and I hope it can help my skin problem ! And set 20 is my favourite too , the balm counsellor and eye shadow is my favourite , and I wish to try sothys products ! I think I know you since Friendster that generation haha and you always give honest product review , I always buy the skin care product that recommended by you ! And thanks for the positive vibes 💕

  73. I wish to win set 24!
    I always heard about your name when friends or colleagues talk about influencer, but I never search your name before. Until one day, I saw you in real person, I finds you are a very friendly person, like to smile. So sunshine! It drives me to search about you on Instagram. It amazed me after visit your Instagram once, the Instagram feed, story so chanwon style! So friendly,so kind and care about the followers, always share the good things to us. Your beauty tips, travel tips, I love it! And I saved a lot in my IG. So yeah! I'm your follower now! And no regret :)

  74. Hi Chanwon, 首先谢谢你举办这么大型的giveaway 幸苦了❤️❤️我最想得到set 1/set11 🌟因为你很漂亮 拍照摆pose也很好看 你每次ig分享的东西对我很有用 不管是美妆,衣服搭配,业配我都有看 喜欢&谢谢你的分享 ❤️ 最主要是喜欢看你分享日常生活,喜欢你诚恳的态度 喜欢你对待粉丝们的真诚 最后想对你说:不为谁而活 只为自己而努力 加油💕✨

  75. Hi CHANWON!我们都是CHAN��
    发现妳是个特别乖巧懂事的女孩,不做作 和别的网hong很不一样 很欣赏你的态度和风格 继续幸福继续加油��
    Set17或set5都很钟意 还是由妳决定吧��

  76. Hi Chanwon!
    I first came across you on Jenn’s instagram, and I noticed that you were a very supportive friend that was filming some challenge with her. Your actions as a friend caught my eye as well as your friendliness and kindness. That’s when I started to follow you.

    I knew more about you after i clicked follow. You’re kinder than other influencers as you have your integrity and principles of life that you live by, and your biggest heart to help others regardless if it’s being aware of the current state of the disease, or products that are worth the value etc. I guess that’s what makes you really stand out, because i see you more than just a influencer, but as a person we should learn from. Not everyone has such a big heart, but you do, and i feel it’s expanding day by day such as your massive giveaway.
    You’re a great and amazing person, you’re one of those that has came this far and you’re finally here today, but Chanwon, I know that there’s so much more ahead for you, because you constantly grow and be kinder each day.
    What inspires me and amazes me most is when i saw on baobaochow’s story (i think thts how it’s spelt i’m not sure) she said you set ur goals to reply all replies every day, that really amazes me, because despite your busy schedule and all, at the end of the day, you take ur time to spend on those that are there to support you or just to have a word. Honestly, i’m not sure if you’re the only one who does that, but i for sure know that if i were you, i would not have the time to do so because i’d rather spend it to rest or with closer people. Thus, I really really genuinely admire you for that. Regardless if i win this, I’m glad i took the time to type these out to let you know how amazing of a person you truly are, because you deserve to know them. :)

    I’d be interested to have set 9 / 11 / 12 / 24 or anything is fine, better to have something than nothing ��

  77. Helloooo Chanwon! :D I really wish to have set no.6. I noticed that the pixie glow tonic has your customised name on it �� bumped to you a few times in the mall, and your complexion is super flawless! Forehead brighter than my future lol! I want to use Pixie Glow Tonic and have glowy skin like yours! Thanks for sharing all the good deals to all of us ❤️

  78. Hi ChanWon! I love Set 20 ��.
    To be very frank, I first followed you because my sister told me this social influencer always go Japan and Japan has been on my bucket list for eternal. ���� I started following you purely because you visit Japan a lot. However, as time goes by, the initial intention has changed. I enjoyed your Japan trip and recommendation a lot but what i admired the most is how real this social influencer is standing on the social media platform.
    I even had experiences of empathy, sadness, happiness and gratefulness along the journey of following you. One of my memorable experiences is when ChanWon and her father goes to OneFM together for a podcast. It is such a rare experience on social media to be able to portray the qualities of family love. Also, your husband's proposal is very touching as well on the effort he put in and the true love that holds you two together. I felt like i am watching a drama but with all the insta story wearing pyjamas together, i felt this relationship is not just a drama but a real love story. If i had to use one word to describe the reason i followed you, that will definitely be GROWTH. How i grow because of me following you, from the respect i had towards you in your work and professionalism, from the tolerance and sharing in your love life, from the sincerity and down to earth quality from you joining events even going orphanage. I see myself growing the qualities because you are the influencer which influences me on how i should be. Be myself, be kind, be happy and most importantly be real. �� Road to 100k ChanWon and congratulations ����

  79. Hello! I'd like set 12 or set 14 also can! It's funny because i found your blog while searching for braces recommendations in puchong, and i came across your post from longgggg ago! But ever since then i just started following, not really sure why, but i think it's cause i was just attracted to your charm, how you're so brave to just be yourself. You really stood out from all the other influencers that were trying to be perfect, and ever since then, I've been a loyal fan. Seeing your commited relationship until the proposal and wedding prep was super touching too, cause my bf and i have been dating since high school and i hope we will turn out like you and your fiancé! Anyway, sorry if the comment is kind of long haha cause I'm just one of the quiet followers so this is just something I've always wanted to tell you. Thank you for being an inspiration and such a cheerful presence in my ig feed! I hope that even more blessings will come to you in life!

  80. Hello chanwon I am new follower was stumble upon your blog and it was awesome. I don't mind winning any set since its comes from your sincere heart thank you very much for giving

  81. Set 16 🥰
    I seldom follow influencer but I follow your account as I found that your travel post your travel info is very useful. Hardly find such travel post...AND your personality is quite positive..比较真实..keep it up 👍🏻

  82. HI chanwon i wish to get set 18 , the reason why i follow u is becos ur 经历 really inspired me how you from nothing til now become something . 怀着梦想一直很努力的向目标达成很欣赏你

  83. Hello Chanwon, I really like set 13!!! I followed you is because you are the most genuine influencer I've seen. I really appreciate the fact that you put in a lot of effort to provide genuine tips, feedback and reviews about travel and products - and I end up knowing so much places and products, i even go buy and try hahahaha. Although I haven't got the chance to meet you in real life yet, but I do hope someday I can and be able to speak to you! :) Thank you!

  84. I die die wish i can get set 10 from chanwon because it is die die recommended by her. The reason why i follow you was simply because you were wearing braces like me and yet can still smile nicer. Never noticed u wore braces under ur smile till reading ur blog further. Once click in ur blog post, i fall in love with your fashion style, travelling and thoughts that shared in ur blogpost. Soon and later i started follow your insta when i became active in it. Till now, i really love ur attidude on replying all my comment to you. I feel warm. So thats the reason, i keep following you, whenever u POST������

  85. HI CHANWON! There are A LOT OF reasons why I followed you and here's some of them ❤️
    1) I can see and really admire how much effort, originality and creativity you put into your photoshoots, seeing how your pictures always came out so beautifully. Behind every picture, I can see how much thoughts and time you and your team has put into it!!!
    2) I am always excited to see and try out the products you recommend. So far, I have tried out the canmake blush, mermaid uv gel and saborino masks after seeing your recommendations. AND NOW I CANT LIVE WITHOUT THEM. REALLY DIEDIE MUST BUY.
    3) you are really friendly and approachable. Like how you will always respond to my DMS, knowing that your DMS are always flooded by other DMS from your fans as well.
    oh yes, and last but not least, I'm eyeing on SET#3

  86. Hi Chanwon, i wish to win set 3 or 24 , basically for my skin, cause i really love my skin so much ❤️ I've followed u for few years since you are a blogger ,i like u simply just because u are real enough

  87. Hi,chanwon�� this is my 1st time to give comment and
    I felt very nervous now but happy.

    I would like to have the [Set 23],
    It's the prefect gift for me to record every single memorable moment on it.

    I have followed you for a long time,
    I like your kind of natural & the way you recommend the items especially #chanwondiedieemust��
    It made me so excited to bring it home and I never regret.

    Hope you achieve 100K of LIKE ���� soon.
    And YES !!! I always share with my friends about you;have a nice day��

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Hello Chanwon! ���� Actually I can’t tell which set I like the most because every set looks tooo tempting! �� 看到我全部都很想要啊. But 做人 cannot so greedy ma. So if die die must choose one set then I choose set 11 ba. Because 11 is a lucky number �� so I hope I can get lucky with the prize! �� I like your fashion sense and your post very much! �� The way you edit your pictures make the colours and your feed very nice! �� Plus, I like to watch your ig story especially the ones with your Smelly. ���� You guys are very cute and entertaining! ���� I hope you will pick me because I am waiting for something good to happen in my year 2020! Maybe you will make it happen! ��������

  90. I wish to get set 17�� cuz the cuteness of the l'occitane star-shaped box is overloadedddd ��

    I always come across your insta while I see through my friend insta story. I started following you with the hair tutorials. Never forgetting the video where you introduced Dr wu toner, that was when I started to get to know Dr wu. �� seeing your growth these two - three years I wouldn't say it is a rapid growth as I know these are what you built slowly and step by step. It is not easy to hold up your passion until today. I'm impressed with your 'give all out' spirit everytime looking at the story board u did. All the best in coming years ��

  91. Thank you ChanWon taking time and putting effort to held this giveaway just to pamper your followers! I'm so amazed by your works all these while and yes! I would like to get set 3 (because always saw your stories or posts with the glowy dewy skin no matter what time you posted the posts) or set 24 (how many times you've been told how good it is). Can't recall how long I've been following you but I do admire your hardworks and the professional and the great thing is you take time to reply our DM. It's really super shocked! 受宠若惊! Also, you'll share so many useful tips and good stuff to us! Last but not least, why don't have Marmite geh? 😂 Because the Marmite video just too funny! Hehe love ya!

  92. Hello Chanwon, I wish to get set 5 as I’m actually surveying on collagen products so I hope I can get the chance to win your giveaway and try on this product.
    For the reason of following you is because you are always so cheerful in your IG post. Besides, I love all your sharing no matter is beauty tips, travel tips or other kind of tips, your description were very clear, details and helpful to us.
    Thank you for giving so many positive vibes in your IG post. Lastly, Happy 100k !!

  93. Hi chanwon, Tq for being such a lovely influenced❤ I wish to get set 3, if can't, 24 is also one of my favorite as I hv never try such nice product before and I'm going for a jaw surgery which will make my skin really bad due to the effect of anaesthesia. the reason I follow u is because yr 正能量真的很打动我。我是个不自信的人,你是个让我欣赏和想学习的对象。我希望你能继续散发满满的爱心,也希望你会一直幸福快乐❤❤❤

  94. I followed Chanwon first because of your smile! And then I follow ur stories and feel so interested and u always share your life in your stories HAHAH Too funny I cannot. At times, you shared something/ some words so inspired me and I really affected by your positive and optimistic! After that, ur “Forehead is sibeh bright” and I sibeh admire, I also hope mine can brighter than ur future lo HAHAHAH XD so I keep follow till now lo
    Wish to get set 12/24 as I hope my face is as bright as yours HAHAHAH

  95. Hi Chanwon sweetie, I wish I could win any set out from 24 choices. I never write the exact set I wish to have as all are very attractive!!! . Most importantly, product introduced by you will never be gone wrong. You always introduce the best things to your fans and I trust you. I’m just like the way you are. Real, sincere, pretty and friendly ❤️

  96. Hi Chanwon, I really wish to get set 1 because I’m at the age in need of anti aging and Innisfree’s anti aging orchid series can really help me. Etude house’s tom & jerry series are also very cute I would like to give them a try!
    I followed you because my friendsss had been saying Chanwon Chanwon Chanwon like what bag you take, what clothes you wear, what good deals you share. At that time I was like who is this Chanwon then i curious and i follow lo. But what makes me stay is that you not only have bright forehead but you also have bright personalities. You always share about the products that you already use and think is good, the photos u taken also very pretty and always share tips to get nice photos, always have giveaways and promo codes. Lastly, i also enjoy that little rant when u complain about something or little story that u think worth sharing.

  97. Hi Chawon! I like all the sets and it's so hard to choose. If I had to choose I like either set 3, 20 or 23 or any set at all. I am a huge fan or stationary and I want to experiment more on makeup products.

    The reason why I follow u is actualy I saw u on one of cheesie post and I clicked on yr profile and fell in love with yr posts and personality. I can tell yr a very genuine person and it shows in yr pictures. Plus yr fashion sense is amazing. So to say I'm a very new fan but I'm in this for the long run and will always support u!

  98. Hi Chanwon!!
    I hope to get Set 1!! I follow you because I've been enjoying your blogging journey, the travelogs, the diary entries and the tips - they are all super fun to read and so useful!! :) Cheers!

  99. Hello Chanwon, I wish to get set 17 or set 24 as i really hope to try out fresh and nunature product that always promoted in your stories to us and tell us how good the product is. The first reason I start following you because of the photos you posted in Instagram are very charming and is hard to take my eyes off from you. The enthusiasm that you always show in recommending the goods and feelings really surprising me a lot about being an influencer. At last, hope that you can be happy and healthy all the time in future.❤️❤️

  100. Hi Chanwon, I would like to try out set 24 as it was a brand that I've considered for such a long time but still I didnt manage to buy it. Remembered that how you used to share your diediemusthave items to all the sweeties,the effort and hardwork you put on to build yourself who are became today is definitely inspiring me and earned my respect. I remembered I used to tell my friends Chanwon is a 默默努力性的小資女, and FINALLY after all the tears and sweat, she hitting 100k. Guys,let's make 100k happens on Chanwon ASAP. She deserved such attention as an influencer.

    Looking forward for another achievement of your life. Rock 2020, Chanwon ! ��

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. Omg 选择困难证来了哈哈哈。
    是真的非常想要得到 Set 24 可是如果没了 set 3 或 6 也是很喜欢 💯💯🔥🔥 。跟踪你真的很久了从长发 > 绑牙 > 短发 > 终于脱牙套 > 人妻 😍😍
    其实一开始没有跟踪你先的。可是有注意到你介绍的东西,然后就开始慢慢 stalk 你哈哈哈哈。然后才发现天呀,我怎么能不跟踪这个人?!
    其实你最大跟别人的不同点也就是令我对你爱不释手的是你的真诚。 你对你所作的一切都非常的用心,和真的是出自于内心感想。也只介绍真的对你自己效果好的,然后看你一天一天的努力达到现在的成功真为你感到开心。所以你介绍的东西,我都会很放心的买买买,为国争光💸💸 你也非常慷慨,时常都会送东西给我们。虽然跟你做不到朋友,可以能做到你的follower我非常骄傲自豪。每次如果有人问某些产品我如何懂我都会很大声的heelllooo, chanwon la!! 😂😂😂 连我在男朋友面前开口闭口都是你得名,然后渐渐的他也是你的follower。 每次我都会暗示他,chanwon story 看了没,那个那个好像很好用叻 哈哈哈哈哈。 真的很希望下次能够幸运的被抽中参加你的Workshop. 也真的希望有一天,我的跟你做朋友愿望会实现 ❤️
    你要继续加油,因为你真的很棒。 不用管他人的批评, 你现在的follower数目已经证明了一切。让我们一起见证你 100k的到来 🍻🍻👏👏

  103. I luv Set9..
    The reason why I follow you bcoz of first impression..I don't know why I feel I like you so I follow and I love the way your sharing every info that can help me a lot in many things such as fashion, cosmetic product n so on...Not only that u r so kind to respond all your followers through comment n DM...bcoz I'm one of it... Especially you notice me about your hair tutorial.. omg I'm super Love it...Even my grandma notice me after I do your hair style tutorial...Make me happy..So u r one of my favorite influencer... Xoxo n keep sharing a good thing..God bless you .

  104. Hi ChanWon! Thanks for your giveaway! I would hope for SET 20! ���� The reason I followed you is because I met you from #WeekendswithJenn and you assisted me and helped me when I’m queueing for the lovelimzy Cup! You were so friendly and helpful, plus so pretty and I managed to take photos with you too! I hope you remember me �� if I coldnt get set 20, I hope that I can have a chance to get set 24 because I started using it because of FRESH workshop at #WeekendwithJenn !

  105. Omg 选择困难证来了哈哈哈。
    是真的非常想要得到 Set 24 可是如果没了 set 3 或 6 也是很喜欢 💯💯🔥🔥 。跟踪你真的很久了从长发 > 绑牙 > 短发 > 终于脱牙套 > 人妻 😍😍
    其实一开始没有跟踪你先的。可是有注意到你介绍的东西,然后就开始慢慢 stalk 你哈哈哈哈。然后才发现天呀,我怎么能不跟踪这个人?!
    其实你最大跟别人的不同点也就是令我对你爱不释手的是你的真诚。 你对你所作的一切都非常的用心,和真的是出自于内心感想。也只介绍真的对你自己效果好的,然后看你一天一天的努力达到现在的成功真为你感到开心。所以你介绍的东西,我都会很放心的买买买,为国争光💸💸 你也非常慷慨,时常都会送东西给我们。虽然跟你做不到朋友,可以能做到你的follower我非常骄傲自豪。每次如果有人问某些产品我如何懂我都会很大声的heelllooo, chanwon la!! 😂😂😂 连我在男朋友面前开口闭口都是你得名,然后渐渐的他也是你的follower。 每次我都会暗示他,chanwon story 看了没,那个那个好像很好用叻 哈哈哈哈哈。 真的很希望下次能够幸运的被抽中参加你的Workshop. 也真的希望有一天,我的跟你做朋友愿望会实现 ❤️
    然后不只是products,你的旅行脚部也是我跟踪你的理由之一。只是靠读你的blog,你让我爱上了日本,之前的我只是希望吃日本餐,现在的我日本已经是我的next trip plan里。所以要努力存钱,要跟着你搭上日本之旅❤️ 你会是我将来的指南针。跟你的脚步,没错了 😍 谢谢你那么用心把全部的细节都写出来 ❤️❤️
    你要继续加油,因为你真的很棒。 不用管他人的批评, 你现在的follower数目已经证明了一切。让我们一起见证你 100k的到来 🍻🍻👏👏

  106. Hi Chanwon! It’s me again! I started following you years back always 默默 support 你!I would make time to meet you in person if you’re at somewhere near me! And luckily I got to meet you in person twice! You were really sweet and genuine in person! Totally no airs! 没有摆架子!I still remembered I told you I was still looking for job and finally got a job! You gave me encouragement when you met me in person! Could feel you’re really a warm person. You really take the time to reply messages from your sweeties and always introduce the best things and share the great deals with us! Till today I always have been really Glad that I’ve met you in person! And so happy that you and your fiancé smelly is getting married soon! Still remember crying over that video! Following you because of this 3 reasons:
    1) you always spread positive vibes!
    2) you are always so genuine
    3) you are always the caring person who likes to share good things with everyone!

    Last but not least I would like to get set 24! Because my birthday is 24 Jan, and 24 is my lucky number!

    Always supporting you,
    Hong Yi Hui❤️

  107. Hello Chanwon! Thanks for the massive giveaway ❤️ I wish to get set 22 or 24 (but tbh any of it I’m also okay with it because I trust you!).

    Been following you since I’m 16 and now I’m turning 24 soon, 8 years flies in blink of eyes. Witness you transform yourself until now became so pretty, really so amazed with your determination.

    Soon I’m going to Japan, and I’m really so excited to explore the Japan that you show in blog and ig. DieDieMust follow your updates eyeryday.

    Thanks for all the hardwork and let’s witness together with your more achievement unlocked ❤️

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Hello Chanwon! Thank you for the massive giveaway!
    I wish to get set 11 or set 17.
    Starting to follow you since one or two years ago, and I like the way every time you explained all the product with very detailed and in a funny way also.
    Enjoy to see your trip photos and your trip blog also!
    Thank you for all the hardwork & hope you can reach 100k !!!

  110. Hi chanwon, Thanks for your hard work in massive gateaway
    I wish to get set 24 or set 1. I had followed you since 3-4 years ago and your the first influence that I followed. Okay my English is a bit lanci I can’t think of how to write liao so use chinese better.��
    大家以为当influencer 容易但能像你这样很努力地把不一样的快乐,旅行的日记还有真能量带给大家的真的不容易,愿你一直一直能持续的散播满满的正能量,也愿你一直都安好快乐��

  111. Omg thanks for the massive giveaway chanwon! This is my first time joining ur giveaway after following u for so long.
    Always follow u and will see ur tips bout place to travel, and daily stuff. Most importantly I super like u and ur fiancée because both of u is so cute!! ����sorry for being random.

    I wish to get set 5 for the collagen set as I always pass by this collagen at watson but always just see only ��. Cos always remember u got promote this collagen before but I “bu she de” buy..
    Another set that I want is set 23, the stationary set. I myself got a lot of washi tapes. But never can do a nice journal page :(.. I hope this cute books can attract me to write more bout my daily, life and also work.

    Sorry for the previous post, typing halfway and not done. Accidentally press publish after preview it.. once again I want to say thank you for ur giveaway, ur hard work and time for always do the best ig post, blog post and story for us all to see! You will gonna hit 100k soon! Thank you chanwon

  112. 我想要set 20或者12或者15

  113. Hi lovely Chanwon!💛
    First of all, thanks for the Massive Giveaway!💕
    The set that caught my love is (Set 5) which is something that I really wish to have it to improve my skin and skin tone right now.



    These are the main eight reasons why I followed you since I got to know you in Instagram a couple of years ago.
    If you've noticed it, these are the words that started with the first letter of your name~CHANWON❤
    I hope the adjectives above can deliver expressly of the reasons why I followed you and how much I love you as a little follower❤

  114. Hi Chanwon,

    I would like to have set 5, please. If don’t have also never mind, someone else can benefit from this.

    I followed you because I have seen you going trips with Cheesie. I like that you this cheerful and happy feeling all the time and that’s really good for your follower to feel your positiveness. I saw you and Smelly once at Pavilion queuing for ramen but i don’t dare to go say hi because it’s your private time.

    Thank you and your team for the awesomeness. Have a good day!

  115. I’m @yukieyok. I love set 11 🤪 it has all I lack now and I still learning make up xD I actually followed you since we are studying in MMU. I know you but you don’t know me that time. Now we are know each other le! I love the way you share your reviews on every product and tips sincerely, not nice u will say not nice one! Good to watch your funny content as well! I tag my friend @hkyong @quaheeyen @nadiahasnosurname

  116. I would like to win set 23. Everytime i saw this kind of beautiful notebook i wish to have it but just too expensive for me. The reason why i followed you is because i had followed you for many years. You alrrady became part of my life. 几天没看到你的post 会觉得怪怪的。看到你每一年不断进步不断挑战自己还有对待人的真诚,都是我提醒自己不断前进的动力💙恭喜你即将步入人妻💜

  117. I would like to win set 16 ot 22~or whichever sets☺️coz is lucky to be chosen by u~the reason y i follow u is when i scroll the ig~i saw ur post about beauty,collagen,travel and ur happy life become wifey~ur every post is a housewife i dunno how to make up,skincare routine..but after i saw ur intro..i learn from u..start to learn make up,skincare routine...and thank u so much for always sharing great things to us..besides��on tis year 2020 cny u saw u and ur fiance at dong chan shi temple...u both are so sweet together and u are so pretty..i wanted to selfie v u but scared that i might disturbing u..and feel regret that i din selfie v the last wish u happy always☺️no matter who the winner thanks for ur massive giveaway������

  118. Hi Chanwon, wish to get set 14 or 20 ��
    I follow you because of I like your way of straightforward and very genuine towards #chanwondiediemust, you reply dm every single time although sometimes is just your sweetie reaction to your story. You cherish the friendship that you have. You non stop improving yourself, now can dance even with your long hand long leg. And most important, like your positivity and craziness ��

  119. I wish to win set 17 or set 20. The reason I am following you is because I like your positivity. ��
    My ig: li_chean

  120. Given the opportunity, i would like set no. 24. It's a luxurious gift and i hope to be the lucky one. If not i believe it will be given to those who needed it most. ❤️ I came across your blog during my 1st trip to Japan. I instantly fell in love with your contents as it were very helpful and of course we have common interest, i.e. shopping! I love the fact that you did not try hard be influencer or famous by reviewing EVERYTHING. You reviewed brands that you trusted and only on that. All your recommendations have been my favourite so far, from clothing brand, shampoos, makeup and many more. You are being transparent especially about your break out around last year during your trip to Cambodia which i can totally relate as an ordinary woman. I love that you gave back to the society and shared your blessings! Those are the main reasons why i am always looking forward to your contents.

  121. I hope I can get Set 22.
    I know you when my friend introduce one of your travel post to me.
    I follow your Instagram when I saw all the nice picture that you post.
    I start love you after I follow you in Instagram.
    You are real!!! The way you treat your life really motivating.Just do and try out all the things. Dont care what others has said, and keep yourself on the track that you have set for yourself. Your improvement was shown and proved that you can do it and even better.
    The way you treat all your friends and fans is so sincere.
    No matter how busy or how tired are you, you will still reply everyone's message, it is really touching and appreciate.
    Now the reason I follow you not only because of your nice picture, is because you are Chanwon!! The positive girl that I ever met.❤️

  122. I like set 18, thank you chanwon and team for the giveaway. I started following chanwon since the day I started an Ig account. All chanwon's posts are so informative and relevant to me. The posts that I like most are the travel posts, I even bookmark all this post in my Ig account for my future references. The best best best part of chanwon is she will reply every single DM or email from all the followers, she won't ignore even though if is just a small matter question. I so appreciate her on this big effort. I personally think she is the only social media influencer who will make sure she had replied everyone. Big applause to chanwon you have done great as a successful social media influencer.

  123. I like Set 5 and 12. I like Chanwon is because she's a very true person and she did treating everyone even unknown nicely unless she really got pissed off by those annoying person. Thanks for always sharing travel tips, households, beauty info and spreading positive vibes to all of the people.

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. Hello Chanwon, I wish to win set 17 or set 23 because it is both really useful for me.

    As mentioned in my email before, I started following you because of the useful tips and content that you shared about brands which I find it really useful and helps a lot. You got my interests back in blogging again😊I like how real and bold you are in terms of sharing your thoughts and making it transparent. There are bound to be haters but you bore it very well at your age. What’s more, a down to earth and humble girl like you is real. You don’t just choose or reply to whoever that you like only. Every followers feel like they are part of yours “Sweetie’s family”. You will definitely ready 100K very very soon. No doubt on that.

    I pray that you will continue to be successful in everything you do. Jia you girl!

  126. I wish to win Set 3 as i’ve always longing for a glowing, hydrated radiant skin! I think for me it was so fortunate to bump into your blog during my research for my Japan Trip. The feeling that u gave to your followers are very surreal, the way u explained things and blogged u are very honest, detailed and to me, u are being yourself. That’s when i started following you and anticipate your blogs❤️. To me, u are a very generous and sharing blogger/influencer. You shared your heart-felt opinions, your daily life and even things u do before u go to bed or wake up from bed. And is very happy to see you sharing joy to all of us too. And now, I cant wait for you to start a new journey with your beloved fiancee, and please do share with us too! Thank you so much Chan Won for Being You ❤️ and thank you for the ever amazing massive yearly giveaway!

  127. I wish to win set 1 or set 5. The reason I will be your follower is because you always share us the "ho kang" and all of us seems to be having a clear guideline when choosing the product... Besides that, I feel release everytime I back from work just by watching your insta story �� 喜欢你的生活 ❤️

  128. Hello my inspiration-Chanwon ❤️. I wish to get set 12 from you. Reason why I’ve been following you for the past 3 years is I like you for the way you are. You are genuine and down-to-earth, beautiful from the inside out. I admire your characters and the positive messages u share to your followers. I grow and learn through the journey of following you. Because of you, I’ve transformed to a girl who knows how to do make up, skincare and hairstyle (although not as skilful as you). I also get to witness your love stories along the way and broke down in tears as you finally say YES to the man you love when he proposed to you. I look up to you and want to be as beautiful as you. Love you ��

  129. Hi chanson, thanks for the giveaway! I wish to get set #12.
    At first I like your sharing of Japan travel and all the chanwondiediemustbuy 😂. I also like to see your daily super positive updates (although sometimes "limbeh tired" haha), see you dancing let me realise never too late to learn anything. Also you introduce many good product for make up, skincare (I will never know canmake without you).Lastly, I like your sincerity. You replied all messages from followers ❤️


  131. Hi, chanwon! I wish to win set 2 or set 24! You are very passion in your work and you are beautiful ❤️ Have been following so many bloggers, i can say you are the one who always to share 好康頭! I really like your recommendations and always try to look for the products that you used. Cnt wait to see you to share more and more info (make up, travel, personal products etc) to us. 我也好喜歡你的生活!
    Thank you for the this massive giveaways. I will pray hard to get this giveaways too! ������������

  132. I would like to get set 17. The reason I follow you is because I enjoy viewing your story as they are all very informative. And I don't mind being broke with all the good products that you recommend. Heheh Other that that, I'm also a gudetama lover like you and you're so generous sharing where you got all the gudetama merchandise. And upon all that, I like you sharing your life as it's something that I will always look up to ��

  133. Hi chanwon I wish to win set 1 or set 5. The reason that I follow u is because you always share a lot of tips or 好康 to your followers ❤️❤️

  134. Hi chanwon, I would like to win set 24 as my skin is a dry/combination skin and I heard about FRESH brand for quite some time and would like to try it 😄.. Been following you since few years ago, I like your 正能量 and you always share good thing/product to us..It become a routine for me to swap insta stories just to see your update post everyday 😁 and of course 少不了你的笑话.. 每次很压力都去听你的笑声笑话 因为真的会被传染 😂

  135. Thanks for the giveaway Chanwon! I would love to have set 15. All those others are too lovely as well very hard to choose!!! The reason why i love to follow you because of you are very genuine, natural, real and authentic characters! The informations that you give are very details and clear and i think you are very hardworking as well. This good attitude set a good example for us and specially young girls that wants to pursue their dream! I also like that you reply all my messages that i pm you. I feel happy and appreciated when u take time to reply all my questions and messages! I also like to read when you share about travelling tips and what MUST buy, very helpful for me! I also love when you posted about your family life! About your brother and smelly most of your time. Is enjoyable to see them and also your dad. Sometimes a bit of your mom. Last but not least is also because you are pretty and cute hehe. Thanks for the giveaway again and create this platform for share so much info for us!

  136. Hi Chanwon, I would like to have the luck to win set 1 or 24! Both products are my favourite brand , as I am a huge fan of Tom and Jerry and fresh . Been follow you since years ago, you are the first influencers that change my mind that influencers are all being picture perfect on social media or just born rich; that earn money by a simple fb/ig post. You are the first one I can see that stay true to yourself and your followers, recommend the real good product/deals to all of us! Being as your follower, we benefit a lot . Thanks for all of your hard work and reveal the story behind an influencers. It’s not about earning money by simply making a post but is to inspires others with your influence. Not forgotten you always a role model to all of us especially as a 90’s. Thanks for all of the positive message and keep up the good work! ��

  137. Chanwon, I like the set 24 the most because I never buy Fresh product before due to the budget problem. I want to try Fresh long time ago. However everytime I saw the price of it i always say to my heart that next time I make money already only buy la... so I wish that I can get set 24.
    Why I follow Chanwon because chanwon always share all the good things and die die must to the followers. I always get attracted with chanwon die die must series.
    Besides that chanwon really pretty and good looking. Seeing pretty things make me good mood.

  138. Dear Chanwon, thanks for the hardwork making this massive giveaways again! I have subscribed your blog + Instagram for quite long time, you always inspired me to live better and I really love your sharing! Although you are young but you have worked through thicks and thins but still kept yourself positive and led us to great influences. I would love to win the set 5/set 24 that you always been sharing how great the products are.

  139. Wow I'm eyeing on set 24 Fresh set.There are so many reason I follow u. I like to see your travel trip especially winter time.I also like to see your recommendations of make up products.The most important is you are a friendly blogger who always will reply everyone comment.

  140. Hi Chanwon sweeties,我从单身到结婚生子follow你到现在。当时觉得你人很好,每次都会无私分享所有你用过真心觉得好的东西给我们。而且很真,不做作。你是我最喜欢的blogger & influencer。以前follow你blogspot到现在的你的努力我们都看在眼里。继续加油!我会一直follow你,看你结婚生子��❤️希望可以抽到set 15 or set 21.

  141. Hi ChanWon~ So excited to see the massive giveaway again this year❤️ The set which I prefer the most is Set 5 as I realised it is so important for us to start drinking collagen for the health of our skin and also I hope to have a superb skin condition like you 滑滑嫩嫩水当当❤️ Also if possible I would like to share this with my mom also to make her every year pretty like 18years old girl��
    Have been following you for many years, initially i followed you is because I like your photography style, and then I really love the way you enjoy your life and enjoy everything you do even though it might a very small things you will still do it the best you can. Also, I like everything you shared to us on social media because all are from your real experience which really benefits us a lot❤️ Especially those ChanWon Die die must buy items if no buy really will regret dao die�� also the positivity you spreading to us really inspired us a lot~ thanks ChanWon for being such a wonderful person❤️ Continue to be yourself and I will always be your no.1 supporter��

    Yu Xuan

  142. hello chanwon!! congratz to become mrs smelly first.hehe... thanks to be santa every year which haven change just like how i feel for you. I would like the set no. 5!! because as you know, girl every year will lost a lot collagen. I hope before my collagen finish, i would try my best to keep it with the one that you take always. and hope to be as fair as you. Thank you for reading till here. Look forward to your coming wedding and maybe little smelly soon? hehe

  143. Hi ChanWon �� thanks for the massive give away!
    My eyes are on the set 13 as I have never try on the product.
    I have followed your ig few years back as one of your ig story it have cheered up my day. The content of the ig story was mentioning ‘always be yourself, you can’t control the world mouth’ something like that. After since, I have followed your ig, it always bring me positive energy ��

  144. Hope I can win set 7 & 12 because they are my lucky number xD Following chanwon for years and I like to see your post about travelling with family ! After growing up I realised that our family is our main ‘power’ to keep going, and I know Chan Won always keep your family first❤️ This is why make me become your fans!! Thanks for sharing so many great things with us and spreading love �� ❤️

  145. Hi, chanwon, i would love to have set 5/8. I started the journey of following you when my friend introduced me to you, i don't usually follow influencer/blogger/youtuber/.., but she said u are different, plus your body size is similar, she suggested me to learn styling tips from you. So i started following you. What i like about you is that you are a local influencer, likes to share (no matter good or bad), and the products you shared mostly are not out of my league (except fossil, haha) most excitingly is your travel tips to japan. 看到你美美的妆容,穿搭还有美美的照片,羡慕哦!anyway, all the best for you and best wishes for marriage!

  146. Hello~ First time trying my luck on the massive giveaway and have my eyes locked on Set 5. Hopefully this collagen drink can restore back my skin and to quote you - be brighter than other’s future 🤣
    Reason for following you is because of your recommendation on Japan tips, household products and health care products.

  147. I’m interested in set 5. The reason why I follow you is because you’re very genuine person, you only share the best things with your followers/readers, you’re also passionate about what you do.I like how you only share the products which you genuinely love, and not because of ad. You are always sharing the good
    stuff to us. thank you for hard work, appreciate it a lot.

  148. I would like to get set 24! To be honest, cos you like to share and you can somehow influence me to BUY! And it’s like don’t follow you = 错过好康… Sometimes you are quite funny on insta too �� also probably the only influencer I know can 素颜 on social media and not scared to be judged..

  149. thank you for the massive giveaway. I wish to have #24/12. Hope the product can help on my big pores skin😓. The reason of why I follow you is because of your real character not just being a influencer, positive vibes and thoughtful that you’ve shared through your post, that’s really be inspired and motivated. Love to read your travel, ootd and make up tips all the while, it’s so useful. Thanks again and happy 100k soon. 👏🏼💖

  150. Hi Chanwon, it would be my first time to join your giveaway session. First of all, thanks for preparing all the stuffs on this massive giveaway. I would love to have set 2 if I am the lucky girl :P Recently I got a problem with choosing a suitable hair shampoo for personal used. I started following your instagram because of your travel recommendations or posts. What actually make me keep following you is because of your good attitude as a influencer and also your nice personalities towards others. It makes you so different. Just be yourself and you definitely deserve the best one. Anyway, take care of yourself after any outstation working trip! :D
    Thanks for spending your time with us!

  151. 我想得到 SET18!我已经忘记自己是何时开始follow你的了 �� 你是个对产品很认真,不做作 只会把最好的呈现给大家的influencer���� 你真的有做到influencer这个称号,因为你已经成功影响大家了�� 而且都是正能量的哦! 我已经 follow 你的程度到了那种去到美妆店就会告诉自己男朋友说欸欸欸这个chanwon推过!要买来试下!就拿这个洗发水来说,这是你一直推荐的洗发水 我们几个姐妹甚至男朋友去到watson看到都会说欸这个chanwon推荐的哦 买来用咯!还有日本游记和韩国游记我们都有一一看在眼里�� 最喜欢你跟smelly的相处还有你和vickybobo 的好朋友情谊 �� 希望你可以一直一直幸福下去,做个快乐的小女孩 ��

  152. Konichiwa to you Chanwon✨ First of all, I would like to say a very big thank you to you for appearing in our life ❤ Thank you for all the good things that you have shared to us today. Thank you for being you. Thank you for all of the wonderful and honest reviews for every single products which you have tried and of course thank you for all of the previous memorable workshops which you have collaborated with others to make it happened ❤

    I know it's not an easy path for you to be who you are today. As it required a lot efforts, dedication and self disciplines for all these years, I salute! I have been following you and vickybobocc for few years, you always went to her shop for some workshop and dance cover. Haha! Actually I didn't know she is the owner of Tinybaker. However, previously I saw you both filming a daily tutorial make up video by using Nudedate makeup palette then only I realize 原来她是Tinybaker老板娘 and then last year September I went and pay a visit to her shop to try out her famous Matcha Strawberry Cake :) Again, thank you for bringing this opportunity for me to try out holiao dessert hahaha.

    Other than this, I wanted to 感谢 you for sharing a lot of good products which you have personally tried it out before introducing them for us. Such as the Nunature body and hair care range. Their anti hairfall series really helps to control my hairfall, no jokes! Last year it was a really lucky year for me as I get to join the Pre-Xmas Luncheon with you in Penang in collaboration with Nunature. That was the very first time I met you, when I saw you I don't know why I will feel so so so ganjiong and shy hahaha. Maybe 见到偶像就是会这样的吧! Besides that, you will always shared about the wonderful recommendation and tips for Japan trips. But everytime I only can see but cannot go as I just graduated and started to work last year. However, I tell myself one day I'll have the 能力 and I will have this great opportunity to visit Japan in my life, then I can start to apply all of the tips and recommendations from you for my Japan trip hahaha. Thank you for sharing all of the positive vibes and energy for me to Jiayou to work hard to get what I want! I know you have been very busy for house moving and renovation this few months but you'll still 抽出 some time for this massive giveaway and I really appreciate it and I wanted to thank to all of your team members (全部漂亮小姐姐) for helping arranging set by set for make this give away happened ❤ 101% effort received✨ Last but not least, I wish you and Smelly happy ever after and I can't wait for your wedding happen ❤ Hopefully one day I can get a chance to sit down and have a tea break with you at Tinybaker when I'm coming down to KL. In this massive giveaway I would love to receive #Set12 or #Set15. For set 12, I wanted to try the Mamonde Red Energy Recovery Serum and Saborino mask for long long time liao but didn't take any action to purchase yet. Haha. Whereas for set 15, previously I only purchased the Momopuri Sheet mask and I love the peachy smell and it would be great if I can get to try out the Momopuri peach lotion too! If I am lucky enough to receive either one of this two set from you then it would be a great Birthday present for me from you as I'm a March baby Hehe ❤

    I'll always stick to you through thick and thin! More wonderful journey to come 女神 ❤ 一起加油 ❤

    Elaine Qii ❤

  153. Hi chanwon, I hope I can win set 5, actually I tried the fine collagen before but haven’t try the peach favor and Barley, I hope that I could win this massive giveaway and share it to my mom. I have been following you since 2018 until now, it is because you always share the things you really love and it really works for me. Although I spend a lot of buying the things you share, but I appreciate it. At least I won’t buy wrong things, thanks alots and blessed��

  154. 我选Set 6.
    第一次见过妳本人是在KTO的event, 那是第一印象觉得妳很stylish,上网查了查—哦!发现原来妳分享了好多很棒的旅游贴士,还有好多好漂亮的旅游照片 就开始follow妳了 特别欣赏妳的大方 总是很真诚,又毫无保留地和followers分享最好的 真的 谢谢妳!❤️

  155. Hi Chanwon, You are the only influencer that I followed on my Instagram and also my first time to join your giveaway session.. the reason I followed you is because I like to see your tutorial of make up and hair do, i from 0 make up skill to start learn how to make up now by watching your tutorial..

    Besides that, I know about Aqua Bomb sleeping mask and also Canmake new cheek cream #17 recently through your Instagram and I went thru so many sasa and guardian to find for the cheek cream #17 but still couldn’t get due to sold out or out of stock.. ��

    I wish I could win set 9 and try on Canmake shadow colour plate and cheek cream like how you shared in your tutorial..

    Lastly, pls share us more tutorial 🤪 Happy wedding and happy 100k soon ��

  156. Hi dear Chanwon, thanks for the giveaway! I wish to get set 5 from you because I like collagen for good skin XD. I want to tell you something a little only. How i can get you ? That thanks for my friend introduction to you since 2017. I am deaf and met up with you there IOI City Mall Putrajaya. And also catch picture together heheh.. And then I followed your Instagram stories and feel so i interested. The reason I follow you because you always share your experince with us. Blog and this post to read more details about it. Not only you're pretty girl and also funny details. Btw Thank you. May God Bless You. <3

  157. Hi Chawon,

    Would really like to bag set 17! Was having hair thinning issues until I saw your post on NuNature and started using their shampoo as well. True game-changer! Now I do feel more confident with my tamed mane and knowing that the hair loss issue is pretty much under control. I guessed the reason of following you is because you are unpretentious, dishing out honest review and always generous is sharing what you feel it’s the best! You do you! Don’t ever change that!

  158. Hi Chanwon, i followed you because i think you always share the best life tips like traveling and how to safe money and more! And most of the times it is useful to me as i got to save up through the promocode that I got from you. Even until now when Im traveling I will always first go to your insta acc and look for your highlight to look back your story to plan my trips too haha. Oh and I remember also when searching for travel itinerary especially in Japan when i was traveling to Mount fuji i searched on google but your blog came up so I read through it and I followed all of your itinerary and it was amazinggg. Also, i think youre super friendly to reply dms. I love how you share what is the best and what needs to be improved on, i love your honesty hehe. Now that im struggling with my finals and as a uni student, I desperately need a skincare set to maintain my skin. Theres no time for me to search for skincare so when I see your post I was extremely happy and hope to receive Set 24! I have never bought this brand beforee so I really want to try it out������

  159. Hi, ChanWon! I would love to get set 11 because I would like to try out Laneige Brightening Cushion!

    The reason I followed your Instagram is you are positive, hardworking and down-to-earth! And I admire the way you work and create a positive and healthy working environment for those working with you!

  160. Hi chanwon, i wan to try set 3, set 5 or set 17. Everything that related to hair wash is really amaze me because i always wanted to keep my hair healthy, shiny and soft. The way that you intro a new product take my interest to try out and be a regular customer. Hope you continue this efforts and passion to do it in your influencer career and hit another milestone.

  161. Hi Chanwon, Jia Wen here. If I got the chance to win your massive giveaway, I would like to get set 16.

    Hope you still remember me T.T I met you in One Utama for fossil event and fashion show last time. The reason I follow you all these while, I think have been following more than 2 to 3 years, is because you always let me feel positivity and determination. You are my first influencer that I followed, and I think it’s a good start. I never know an influencer can influence me so so much in my life. Thank you for appearing in my life. Thank you for being a great soul that always be in my life and motivate me. Love you love ❤️

  162. Hi, I wish to win set 22 because it's is my birthdate. I followed you because you provide a sense of escapism for me. Each day when scrolling through your Instagram account, I felt happier and positive because you shared your happiness to all. I also love your recommendation as you are an honest reviewer and a considerate person as well. Congratulations and love the photos of you and Smelly in Japan.

  163. Hi Chanwon, Thanks for your massive Giveaway, Personally, I love the set 1, I love the innisfree orchid cream which i feel that very nice and suit me.
    Hmmm....There are few reasons that why I am falling with you... *shy shy*
    first, you always like a “happy nuts” that cheer up me all the time through your IG stories, I like how the small and tiny dots that appeared on your IG stories. I can watch slowly and sometimes even pause for second just due to don’t want to missed any.
    Second, the contents and the info that you sharing around are really useful as always, not for me but everyone. Thats why I always share your post or blog to my friends when they are looking for related beauty, travel.etc info.
    Third, you are very “real” for me. Its because you will reply our DM/PM and even will meet with us and take photo with us. I feel no gap or distance with you.. and i am really excited to see you in real person!!
    Lastly thanks for your always sharing and also this massive giveaway! Cheers!!!
    From: sj_tsj

  164. Hi Chan Won!i like Set 11 <3 <3 i just took up a personal make up course and in the mist of find out the suitable products and this set is exactly what I intend to try on, popi popi i can get this! anyway, no matter which set i get also very happy! you got so many followers, can be chosen is very lucky liao!
    I followed you since last 2 or 3 years i think, recommended by my bestie, since then jiu very like you liao~ 覺得你是一個很真實的女生。 所以都認真在用你介紹的東西。

  165. Hi Chanwon, thanks for your effort.
    I wish to get set 5. Reason that I follow you is at first I saw you are very pretty and it started. I knew you are a blogger, and started to read your blog. The first blog I read was your braces story about there was a guy wrote "you should spend your money on your teeth". However, you showed your high EQ and make your own life become more and more successful. The reason why I keep following you until due date. Thank you.

  166. Hi I wish to get set 2/7/18 from you!By following your Instagram till today, I genuinely feel that you're the type of influencer which are very down to earth and natural. Your post about life, beauty and travelog are very useful. Those are great efforts and you have clearly put lots of time and work into it.
    Love your interaction with your Smelly also!��

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

  168. Hi Chanwon XD
    I wish to get SET 2 ~

    The reason why I follow you is because YOU ARE SO REAL!
    I like the way you treat your friends and family. Always spread love to everyone around you. <3

    BTW #DieDieMust is my favorite XP
    PS: I like NUNATURE products SO MUCH!

  169. Wish to win set #12 or #22 for me (aged 59) to have better skin or hair. Read all your posts especially on travel to gather more tips and places to eat and shop, attractions to visit and the list goes on. Your are such a down-to-earth young lady always so cheerful and simple.

  170. Wish to win set #12/#22 for my skin n hair(aged 59). Been reading all your posts especially on travelling for tips and places to visit and eat. Your are awesome, such a down-to-earth young lady, always cheerful and simple. Happy for you as you are going into the next stage of your life soon.

  171. lovely day chanwon! what a blessing for the giveaways you're providing. been approaching your blog and ig years back. loving all the informative article post on japan related, it was such a poisonous post and those picture you were in was such a gem! thank you and stay safe as the virus outbreak is crucial. last but not least set 5 would be my essentials.

  172. Hi chanwon, I love any set with nunature shampoo and saborino masks. Been using these 2 ever since you recommended. The reason I followed you because you always recommend die die must buy good products ! Always believe in chanwon certified products. <3

  173. i like set 5!❤️ been following u for yearsss already because super love ur sincere recommendation #chanwondiediemust and always useful #chanwontips ��

  174. 我想要set 9..
    因为喜欢etude house 的产品,也想试你大力推荐的血色腮红。����

    喜欢你因为你就是你,真实真诚不做作,把生活中美好的事物都无私的和大家分享,而不是炫耀。不知为何,就是会相信你分享的肯定是好的产品、好吃的、好玩的。最喜欢看你的旅游blog ,让我有冲动马上去!!


  175. Would like to win set 24! Coz my birthday falls on day 24th so it is my lucky number hehe. Started to follow chanwon was around 3 years go as one of my housemates keep watching her insta post, stories and blogs. She mentioned to me that chanwon is the ‘最真’ de influencer she ever followed. Chanwon is always kind and brave enough to take up all sorts of challenging for example I remembered how u started to practise urself to speak better English, dancing etc etc. After recommended by friends, I went and read up all ur blog posts hahahaha and you do inspired me. Thank you Chan won for everything!

  176. I love Set 3! �� I love following you for your light-hearted and happy-go-lucky nature but honest and REAL reviews, travelling posts (especially Japan!) and your loving relationship with Smelly!!! P.S.: I also like your shiny, flawless forehead ✨✨✨ It is indeed brighter than my future ��

  177. I choose set 5!
    I actually followed you since many years ago. I remember that time I bought the baseball jacket from you and started to follow you since that time. All the tips and recommendations you shared are very useful and usually I will also try the product you recommend. I like the way you recommended those products as you really try it without just blindly recommend.

  178. Another con to perpetual cosmetics is the cost; something as straightforward as lasting eyeliner can slow down you somewhere in the range of 300 dollars, to a thousand. It helps you slice back on the need to purchase eyeliner at regular intervals or months however, which saves you some cash. All things considered, this isn't quite a bit of a con, truly. Wedding makeup

  179. Dear Chan Won, I would love to have set #2 or #17. I followed you from YouTube as I was looking for tutorials and you appear and since then I started followed both your platforms on Instagram as well and GURL, you put so much effort and time to all your shoots and always give your sweeties best recommendations. Congratulations once again on your engagement, stay cute and pretty as always ��

  180. Hi chanwon ��
    I wish I can win set 22. And the reason why I follow you , it's start from I saw your hair tutorial video �� because at that time my hair also short. And also , because you so funny and so lovely.

  181. Hi ChanWon. I would like to have set 11 and I would like to share it with my mom and sis.
    The reason I follow you is really simple. Because you're pretty and gorgeous. You introduce to us a lot of useful tips. The products you recommended is really good.

  182. Hi ChanWon! I wish to win set 3 in your massive giveaway, I like the Pixi product so much.
    The reason I followed you is that because you're my senior at University! I'm also taking Bachelor in Finance in MMU Cyberjaya, just graduated btw, being your junior, I followed you since 6 years ago and I like how you share your lifestyle, a lot of positive vibes and very informative. I can get benefiting advice from your travel achievement and beauty tips too and that's how you motivate me since the day I followed you. You're always so true to yourself and treat your followers like friends, Thanks for the giveaway and I hope I can win it.

  183. Set 24/ Set 12

    To be honest, I don't remember when I started to follow you. But I don't just follow anyone on Instagram, I follow those who has great photos that inspires/motivates me and those who always sharing all sorts of things/tips. And, no doubt you is one of them, no, should be one of the best. You are at the tip top when it comes to the sharing of experiences from products to travelling. I am actually very skeptical on things that shared by bloggers/influencers and I actually don't believe they will reply each and every of their messages. But guess what, YOU did! I was so surprised and overwhelmed that you actually replied to my messages. Thank you for all your efforts, hardworks, everything!

  184. This comment has been removed by the author.

  185. Hi Chanwon, I would love to have set 5 or 22!!
    I’ve get to know you through XinLin’s IG story. When I first saw you on ig, I was thinking that this girl is very realistic and cute, so I started following you. After that, I really enjoying myself watching your IG moments, you’re really a fun and interesting person!! I really love watching you sharing about you daily moments and I burst out my laughter sometimes when watching your stories HAHAHA!! And also, I’m someone who doesn’t have a good skin and feel very not confident about it... so I really really very admire your confidence and wish to be like you one day! Thank you so much, Chanwon!

  186. Hi dear Chanwon! ♡ Thank you for always caring and thoughtful to us, your sweeties! I would like to win Set 9 or 22 ♥︎♥︎♡♡♡The initial reason that I follow you was I find that all the product you review are similar to what I like. After following you for awhile, I noticed that you had a love for Japan as well, which I love too. I love how you will review most of the products you use in and out of your job, not only for your sponsored items which is why I love following you as a guide, coz in life there’s too many products to choose from! 😭 Thanks for all the #ChanwonDiediemust and HoKang! 🌷But what was making me constantly following you daily was that, how you share your life with us as if we are your friends, no matter where you go. I can experience this especially in your insta stories. I can’t appreciate much on how you put on effort to reply us whether is comment or dms which makes us all feel important to you and this is where you lift us up everyday. Following through your life and to the life you have finally achieved and ongoing, you give me a sense of motivation to never give up and everything is possible with effort and your quote “Never Stop Trying” will always remind me of that. I believe all of us don’t just have 1 reason to follow you, as you are a beautiful human being as a whole. Thank you again for lifting us up everyday, Chanwon. We will always continue to support you as long as you are here to stay! ❤️✨ Happy 100K in advance! ❀❀❀

  187. [Set7]
    Have seen your massive giveaway from the past two years but I never participate cause I have no luck in lucky draw. This year feel like trying my luck. The reason why I followed you is because you are so you which you really impressed me there are such a "real" people in today's society. No offense, but got to admit that most of the red influencer is either they are showing off their beautiful look/sexy body/ultra rich yet materialistic. You are still you and using your own effort to fight for what you want, and know to giveback to the society. I'm impress after you become so successful, you are still willing to help the people around you like @baobaochow to build her popularity; you are still loyal to your smelly fiance despite so many years you both have been together; you are still love marmite after so many delicious food you had; you are still sharing the tips and reply your follower one by one even you have getting closer to 100K followers. I'm really impress by your faithfulness, honestly, humble and sincerity. All the above I wrote is not because I wanna win the gift badly, it's really the word from my sincere heart! Keep it up the good work @chanwon92 , the world need more people like you to positively influence and lighten up the world. #chanwondotcom

  188. Hello ChanWon! Set 5 or set 11 caught my attention hehehhehe You are the first influencer that I've encountered. I first knew you through your traveling blog post, and ever since then I've been reading your travelling posts as I really love to travel too,and your information are always so detail. And after some time, I realise you have an instagram acc and so I started following you and get exposed to skincare. I started to learn about skincare and I love to see your feedback on those beauty products. I've studied at kl for 4 years but I've never 跟你来个巧遇,seems like kl very big huh hahahah !! So when I finally got the chance to meet you at the KTO Busan introduction, I was really really really happy, like finally met tiok my kpop oppa hahahhaha I really like the info that you shared and I also like your big laughter and your interaction with your followers, in fact, u somehow inspired me to start writing a blog, although I haven't started yet la hehehehehehe someday I will !!! ������

  189. I would like to win set 5 or set 24. Love the product that you use to maintain your bright skin and all the product review is so genuine. I love your Japan blog, I enjoy reading your blog is like story telling and full of adventurous. Chanwon Japan blog is definitely my top traveling reference. ��

  190. I would like to have set 12, 13 or 24 �� I found the inspired you in life. To be honest, I am a Gemini girl ���� I always over sensitive and lack of confident. I learned the superb you, the confidence in doing most of your thing. You learn from zero to better for your piano. Travel will always be my dream, checking out you videos give me excitement to work harder in my career to gain more life experiences. Thank you for your motivation ��

  191. I would like to win set 5 for my mama. I noticed my mama getting old, and there are wrinkles around her eyes and face. I feel sad. I hope to see my mama can stay young forever and with healthy body. I have been watching your ig sharing tips how to stay young and healthy. I love the way you concern about own health and self care, make me aware of importance of taking care healthy and body. Your blog and ig are really inspiring. I enjoy watching your sharing!! Hehe.

  192. I like every set, but the most favourite is set 5!! Because women need better collagen drinks❤ i am always watching your post and sharing, any set you gifted, it will be a lovely present for me. Fan of you❤

  193. Hi Chanwon.我喜欢set 13.
    当初follow你是要看你的日本游记。后来follow你的instagram,每次看ig story,听你说话就会莫名其妙的心情变好。每天看你的ig story变成了必做的事情。喜欢你积极正面的态度。 看你努力见证你成长, 也同时鼓励着我自己。

  194. Hi Chanwon! I would like to have Set5 as it's more of a 養顏 kind of natural supplement that I would really like to try out to stay youthful∼

    I followed you on IG because of the content you produce is quite useful and covers many areas in my daily like. Such tips and experiences you share had gradually became a point of reference for me over time when I'm looking for a certain product. And I really appreciate your time and effort in recording these info and sharing your truthful opinion with us instead of merely for ads.

  195. 想得到set24!虽然好像很多人都想拿到��有点不可能,可能没机会,不过还是来试试�� 一开始follow你是因为觉得你很可爱又会穿搭,后来就因为你介绍很多很好的产品而种草了#chanwondiediemust buy list,还因为你开始去学钢琴,我也鼓起勇气跑去买Roland要开始学钢琴。你也是第一个会回复我的influencer��所以觉得你很亲民。看到你从不会跳舞,到现在跳到可以做cover,真的觉得你很棒,很努力尝试新的东西超级超级厉害,也想像你一样��������你的性格也很好,英文不是特别好,但是也不影响你想表达的欲望。就很down to earth,influencer也是平凡人,也是要过日子的。所以要加油����继续保持你的原则心态��过后的作品越来越好������

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  197. I would love to get set 24! I’ve followed you like a few years ago because I really love how genuine you are compared to other influencers. You are not afraid of showing us every aspects in your life no matter is it perfect or not! Your courage to learn and challenge new things such as dancing makes you so invincible as well! I also love the way you treat your followers like your friends especially when you replied to my messages all the time! Wish you all the best in future and can’t wait to be a better person with you together ❤️

  198. Hi Chanwon 👋🏼😄 !!! I would love to have set 8!!! The reason why I followed you was because your recommendations and tips given are super useful and always truthful and trustable! Love your #chanwondiediemust buy series as they’re really useful as per your recommendation!!!! 💕

  199. This comment has been removed by the author.

  200. Hi Chanwon ! Firstly, thank you for hosting this giveaway every year just to let us test out new things and share the happiness of using these awesome products !

    I would like to win set 5 because my skin is quite tanned especially my face is darker than my arms, and my overall skin condition is very bad. If not set 5, set 3 with those vitamin c serum would help a lot too ~

    So... how did I start my journey as one of your sweeties ?

    It started when I followed you since I plan my trip to Fukuoka and your photos are very pretty and amazing. Your blog itineraries are very well written and it's great to follow! I keep show your photos to my boyfriend cause I want him to take similar ones and it caused him great pressure. He also remembers u well now. Hahaha.

    I read most of your blog posts, stalked up all your recommendations on Instagram, participated in your giveaways and shared blissful moment of watching u getting proposed to on your insta stories. I felt connected to you and it is built throughout all the stories you generously shared with us. Thank you again!

    Finally, congratulations on hitting your milestones of having your own wonzy studio, your new home, your followers 100k achievement (very soon !) and soon marriage with Smelly !

