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Herloo Sweetheart♥ :3 Guess what am I doing for the whole day? Yeap!! I just done shooting for the latest version of Vanity Trove May's box. See how happy am I !! I received with an unexpected shock expression in my face. Lol
Actually I get to know about Vanity Trove from Kim♥ :) She is one of the sweetest dear & my blog's designer I met recently. I get to know it when I'm reading her blog for the previous box of Vanity Trove. It's so interesting because her photo always tell the story, she's just so talent!!! 

So I have some idea on Vanity Trove but I never get a chance to grab one for myself until TODAY♥♥!!! I'm really surprise again! SO SO SO HAPPY and this box is really so diff. Their theme for this month is AWESOME WHOLESOME♥♥ I'm attracted with the theme of the month and all TV want is to go for Organic!
Once we talk about Organic I'm sure the first word come in your mind is EXPENSIVE. Seriously, organic stuff always a little bit pricy than those normal one lah! No need to mention, I think everyone have notice that more and more people prefer to go for organic and they just don't mind to spend more cost for that because most important is ORGANIC.
Besides the point of Organic I think Vanity Trove show something diff from others. As you can realize it the meaning from the word of 'VANITY TROVE'.They offer more Luxuries product compare to others! I just can't wait to pamper myself with monthly surprise gifts with Vanity Trove♥
So, let's start!
This is how their packaging look like. A very simple white box with their name on it and it's not just a box!! Normally beauty box is like open the flip type of box but Vanity Trove's box is DRAWER TYPE♥box. Is like those pull out type and a transparent plastic covered the box. I feel so lucky when I get this :') I just love the way they treated their subscribers.
Seriously, this box is so useful for me. I got an idea on it. I planned to collect as many as I can then stick all of the box together and DIY it to put my makeup collection♥on my vanity table. One drawer for all my mascara , one drawer for all my lips crayon & so on. OMG I really can't believe that their box is that kind of HARD quality CASE. I can't even break it. It's a 'STRONG & HARD' box. Lol
As usual , every box of the month come with diff kind of coupon, voucher or mini booklet for us. I got some RM20♥discount voucher on skinlab , RM25♥cash voucher on HiShop which I can use it to purchase some make up product & last but not least a gift voucher♥. Other than that just some additional booklet♥which tell you more on their products & things like that.
OKOK!! Time for their AWESOME WHOLESOME♥ products !!
In their product descriptions card stated 8 diff products & I got 5 items inside my box because I got the Avene's Thermal Spring Water♥!! For those who don't get it - you actually can receive either a trial set of Gentle Gel Cleanser + Hydrance Opt Light + High Protection Emulsion SPF50 OR Thermal Spring Water.
Product Included :-
♥Heaven On Earth , Essential Oil - Lavender
♥Pure South, Organic Body Lotion with Fresh Goat's Milk
♥Tilley's Goat Milk Soap
♥Schwarzkopf, Essensity Natural Shine Serum
♥Eau Thermale Avene, Thermal Spring Water
Although I just received 5 items only but I know due to the concern of the price of the thermal spring water and all those organic products! I'm still happy with it♥ especially the lotion , goat milk soap & also the thermal spring water.Other than that , normally 1 Vanity Trove box have 6-8 Luxuries Product. That's why their beauty box price is slightly higher than others but I think it WORTH♥ I remember that their actual price is like RM60 for one box subscription but now it become RM50?!! It's a good news for me actually and previously their april box have the KATE FULL SIZE eyeshadow!! OMG NOT BAD huh?!
#1 ♥ Tilley's Goat Milk Soap ♥
RM12 (single) | RM26 (Twin-Pack)
Yeap! I'm gonna rate this.. I just can't explain how much I love this. Actually I prefer to use body shampoo than a soap because I think it's very troublesome when it come to a soap. But I willing to give them a try especially when I spot the GOAT MILK♥!
I really heard about the benefits of using goat milk to bath. For some others country , their children or even their parent used the real goat milk to bath rather than drink because they believe that it can make your skin smoother and fairer! I can't really bath with any milk because I think it's so weird and I hate the smell of the milk. Therefore, I never ever ever drink any milk even those chocolate milk until my mom told me that I hate milk that's why I'm flat :O
I did force myself to drink diff kind of milk but it's really so suffer even I closed my nose to drink ! Lol
I want to have a fair and smooth skin! Baby skin! Every girl's dream even my brother also using goat milk body shampoo to shower but I just don't like the smell. Surprisingly , this soap have a great and relaxing type of smell. Not really those milk type of smell but it actually make you feel so comfortable when you use it.
This soap bar with it's wonderful creamy in texture and even can use on SENSITIVE SKIN♥! The price is not so expensive i think. I'm definitely going to get this again! For your information, this soap bar is from the purest Australian Goat Milk Farm and CHEMICAL-FREE♥.
The best thing about this is, I can even used it with the next product (lotion) which included in this box too :P
#2 ♥Pure South, Organic Body Lotion with Fresh Goat's Milk♥
RM59 ( 255ML)
The next product will be this GOAT MILK LOTION!! Again!! It's best for our skin because it moisturise & nourish our skin and the richness of the vitamin A and vitamin D which best for treating dry & distressed skin conditions.
The lotion contain another ingredient is the rose oil and Rosella extracts that can stimulate metabolism for skin cell renewal. I'm not sure whether i can used it everyday a not because I believe that not everyone have the time to do this.
Noted that the best time for applying lotion on your body is AFTER BATH time! That period is the best moment for your skin absorption♥♥♥ .
Once I done my bath I'm totally forgot about this :P But Since few month ago I realize my skin turns dry (everyday sleep in a air con room) , every friends asking what happen to my leg -.- I think it's time to work hard again. I can't do it everyday but I make myself every week take 1-2 days or should I say every 3rd day of the week or last day of the week I can have a pamper evening!
On that 'Pamper Day♥' I normally won't go out but just stay at home, having my own breakfast then take my shower. After that I will do mask on my face , put treatment on my hair , use body lotion , put on my eye mask & so on. Basically I just need 1 day each week to pamper myself and motivate myself to do more!!!
Start to practice this habit and hobby because I think it's really so stress when everyday faced with assignments and get angry or mad with something. Love yourself and treats yourself nicely ..Just one day each week or twice a month :D
#3 ♥ Heaven On Earth , Essential Oil - Lavender ♥
RM50 (5ml)
After done my body part I would like to try this essential oil TOO! The price isn't cheap for just a 5ml bottle. In this box I got a 1.5ml bottle of the essential oil. I think it's a everyday needs but unfortunately not everyone can afford that :O I'm not really feel to spend that much of money for just a essential oil but I always be so gladful for what I got today. FINALLY i got a chance to try a essential oil.
It's my first time T^T I don't have such hobby to smell those essential oil but I heard about this can help us in calming down yourself while this can either be inhaled or applied on your skin. This helps to promote sleep , balance & tone skin , reduce aches , soothe insect bites & provides a relaxing & soothing inner calm♥
♥Eau Thermale Avene, Thermal Spring Water♥
No need to be so detail on this because EVERYONE know this awesome product!! AM I right? It's a special product best for sensitive skin. The unique composition which can also soothes & softens skin , have clinically proven.
I think this available on all the pharmacy like watsons or guardian :D This box really worth a lot!! From the first product until this..Still not yet end!! Continue reading :P
♥Schwarzkopf, Essensity Natural Shine Serum♥
RM 56 (50ml)
I was shocked when I saw the price of this FULL SIZE BOTTLE ! OMG can you believe that this full size bottle already worth than 1 month subscription for Vanity Trove box?
I get a full size 50ml bottle of this product! AGAIN! OMG OMG.. This is special for frizzy hair! SAY BYE BYE TO IT. The serum gives a natural velvet shine to your hair surfaces & smoothes your tresses. It contains a combination of organic essences of sesame and olive oil to improve the quality of hair texture.
Noted that: you need to apply it on a damp hair before blow or drying your hair!
I'm really happy that I experienced new product on this May's box from Vanity Trove. It's AWESOME!! From the product range of an Essential Oil -> Organic Lotion - > Goat Milk Soap (I really love this♥) - > Shine Serum for hair and last but not least the Avene's Thermal Spring Water♥!!
I think their theme is really shown & match on every single product inside this little box! I'm really so lucky and happy to receive their box on this month and experienced something new from the luxuries product. I can pamper myself every week now with the product they included on this box♥♥. I really hope that more and more nice theme from their box is on this kind of theme which can let us experience something new.
From that I can know that they work very hard to make sure that they can deliver the best in term of quality and quantity to us♥!
♥Most of the time I get introduce diff kind of beauty box in diff brand. Most important is you need to know what are you looking for. Some of the beauty box provide a normal price range for normal people needs which can afford by us while some is more pricy but in the range of diff luxuries product being introduced♥.
I'm really happy with everything in this box because fot 2 full size product. One is the Natural Shine serum for hair and the single soap. Other than that I think it's pretty awesome except at first I got a bit confuse with the amount of the product I get and I thought they forgot it but inside the descriptions card they noted and bold it that the last 3 product (the trial set) not included if you get the avene spring water.
That's all for today! Love, xoxo♥. I'm going to collect the drawer box for myself from now!! Exited and gonna stay tuned for the next month subscription box.
For those who interested with the subscription you may click on the link below to subscribe :)
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