Moshi Moshi!! Time to catch up my Japan Trip #5 post and it's same interesting with the previous one! Please don't kill me after reading my post because I guess end up you will be interested in getting a new haircut in Japan , looking for the hanami and also a favourite place for you to shop til die~ It's Don Quijote (ドン・キホーテ) which selling tons of beauty products and something you can just die for!! So, are you ready for this!!! *always ready for you!*

#1 First Haircut done in Japan
I must be crazy at that time but short hair grows really fast! My length quite bothering me during the trip because it's not really long or short enough plus I can't even curl my hair due to the 'awkward length' of my hair. I think my fringe was way too long too! So annoying and I don't want my hair to spoil my day and guess I might look ugly on most of the photo :'( So, end up decided to look for a nice japanese salon! Thanks babe daph for the recommendation.
She recommend me go for a haircut @Riddle and it's my first time as well !! Never try any Japanese salon before and I believe it I should have a good experience on it. Meanwhile, they really did a good job in creating the air style hair look for less volume or thin hair girl like me. Most of the time I hope to achieve a haircut that can easily style and take care with + no need to keep visit the salon and maintain it every month. You know, every time I visited the salon it took me a whole day to wait and dye my hair. Just cut a fringe also need to wait for 1 hour!!! I really don't have patient T.T So.....basically I'm just fall in love with it.
This place was full of vintage , brown with some combination of wood furniture. Once I enter the salon it smells really good! So relaxing ..until now I still can remember the scent of the place. Haircut in Japan cost almost the same like the salon @Bangsar or Damansara. The whole haircut cost me about RM120-130 I forgot the rate but mostly above RM120 and below RM150!!
The problem is I can't really communicate with them but they know some simple English , for example - Short , Cut , Yea then most of the time I just keep smile and say HAI !! Haii (Mean Yes!) Actually, I really love the overall result of my hair! From a very dump looking hair and no volume hair to an easy & manageable hairstyle. I wish to cut it shorter but they stopped me! AHAHAHHA I just told him to cut my hair short, especially my fringe. Other that that I just let him do the rest for me! I always very cincai one and this is the time I choose to challenge my hairstylist. So end up I will see whether I like it or not...If I like it, I will just stick on the same hairstylist for years!
Now I feel like going back just to cut my hair but T.T !! SO FAR T.T Japan nehhh!! When can I?! WHEN CAN I!!!! bring me back babe!! Will show you the before-after photo to you later!
I tell you!! The hairstylist look 90% alike like 木村拓哉 Takuya Kimura OMGOMG!! Look so real and I can't believe this!! Thanks babe for the recommendation and let me show you who is Takuya Kimura
THIS! I tell you no joke and I'm so shy to take photo with him so I capture his face from the mirror!! Let me show you~
YOU SEE!! LOOK 90% LIKE HIM RIGHT?!! His eyes , nose and mouth!! OMG OMG But Daph told me that he was really nervous because I'm his first oversea customer plus I never tell him what I want..I just told him I want short and make sure my face look slimmer HAHAHAAHAHAHA.
HAHAHAHAAH So cute this photo! All doing our own business! lol I took this photo while hairstylist look at Daphne in order to communicate with me and at the same time kicker want to play with us. So cute!! Please....I think this hair look really good on me T.T how ah?!! I want to cut back the same hairstyle again..when can I ?? :'(
Before & After Haircut
So nice right?!! After this haircut the whole trip I just need to curl my fringe only!! Other than that I just blow dry it and the hair look super nice with its own shape! T.T Can someone bring him back?! pls....Or else I need to find some japanese salon in our country!!! I need a haircut again!!

#2 Sakura
After the haircut we enjoy the whole afternoon at a place that was full of sakura! Yea!! It's the purpose of my trip and I can't believe the whole Japan was full of sakura blossom! All over the road , no matter where you go you can see the pink or white colour sakura. So pretty right?! I came in the right time which was the sakura blossom season and everyone just stop by there to take some beautiful photo! For me...I just did 100 selfies with the sakura. I keep on shout and run all over the place and luckily Daph was there to control me.
No matter what I do , where I with sakura & Japanese culture are really beautiful. I wish to travel here and stay longer again!
My hair look so nice here! HAHAAHAHAHAH
More selfies!
Kicker same with me :p first sakura season ever!!
Still got tons of selfie with sakura but I better don't upload here! Will post it on my Facebook or social media! Dream came true x12u34024813048230240234803284320 I feel so happy and I'm sorry because I just continue to selfies until I forgot what time it is.
After a while we just went to a nearer supermarket and I saw the background look so what to do?!! went down and took some full body OOTD shoot! AHAHAHAHAHA
my meow meow!
Will blog about this! Sukiya cheapest meal in Japan and the melted cheese was so seductive!

#3 Don Quijote (ドン・キホーテ)
Received lots of question and comment after I posted the photo that I took at here. This is a HEAVEN! You must write this down and google search see any if this near the place you stay in Japan. This is a MUST-VISIT place! Whether to buy some souvenir or beauty drugstore product or anything you can think...IT'S ALL INSIDE THIS SHOP!! I know this from Cheesie's blog and die die also drag Daphne to shop with me!
Best time ever and I spent 3 hours here. I tell you no joke! I used almost 1k here! JUST HERE!! Everything you need can get it from here. If you really dunno any nice place to grab Japan beauty products in cheaper price..then you just need to look for this. I'm serious!! It's Don Quijote (ドン・キホーテ) a.k.a donki! Thanks cheese's blog & Daph for the help! Still remember the time I'm on my lap top scrolling their blog and reading their sakura post...I still can't believe I did it T.T Believe me Japan was the best travel place ever and I wish that you could feel the same with me. So now what you need to do is just work hard and visit Japan in the future :) teehee!! I feel really excited again~
Donki is a store for everything and best part was it open until midnight! MIDNIGHT! I'M NOT JOKING! From head to toes!! Whether you need a contact lens, panties , food, snack, drink, boxer, shoes, cosmetic & etc etc!! EVERYTHING!!!
All price excluded tax so remember to count your budget before shop. Really shop until you die! I bought everything except their body shampoo and panties! HAAHAHAHAHAH Next post will share about MUST BUY ITEMS IN JAPAN! Please stay tuned~
Just grab if not you will be regret!
So the whole day I'm really satisfied! Satisfied with myself , the weather and the beautiful scene of sakura. Except the night time I'm really crazy due to overwhelming beauty products inside the shop. I tell you you must write it down and come here at least ONCE in your life. Everything best seller or hot item just grab!! Like those No.1 in magazine or HOT or Best xxx then you just buy. Don't care you just buy everything you want if not really will regret one. I want to get more eyelashes but I'm afraid over budget so I just bought 6-7 box of eyelashes.
Luckily I don't have credit card if not I must be using it all the time during my japan trip. My friend told me I can use my debit card after unlock the international country with maybank2u. I do the same procedure but still -.- can't even use the debit card! Not sure I need to be happy or sad with this but at least I don't have to pay back everything once i back from travel. So...okay lah!! I need to be happy with what I had.
So yea!!! That's all for today and I'm waiting to publish the disney sea post on my blog too!! So many thing want to share with all of you! Love, xx~
PS: Been busy on my work lately but I will always update my blog :) Just drop by here when you free for a new post ya! Chu*
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