Ahhaaa!!! Hello My little Sweetheart here♥ Next week will be my mid term test and my short semester left 1 month plus before my final examination. So damn fast right? Especially now my class was quite rush and every time back home feel super tired. But ...yea I still need to update my blog frequently since now I really enjoy while blogging. So I know you all must be missing me right now because I'm no longer free after few more month. I have many future unknown plan on my hand right now just hope everything plan quite well. Except for my blog I'm waiting my own online shop stock to reach my doorstep then can start to get back my usual life which is totally super busy.
I do enjoy because I know soon....I wont be so happy :'( I hate working and I'm going to blog about my intern life FOR REAL. Previously I'm afraid that my boss read it..SOOOO Finance student / juniors you better watch up and read it! Super long post still editing because I worry that I use too many 'bad' words to express my feeling for that. LOL So yea!!! Back to the topic today I'm going to blog about my recent review on CERRO QREEN Fashion Makeup Brush Set♥which I get it from http://www.nattacosme.com/ I know like you probably know it because all of you same same as lazy as me :P Always did online purchase rather than go to the actual shop like watsons or guardian! HAAHAHAHAHAH
Not the first time I mention and it's the 4th or 5th time I guess. And you probably never seen me introducing any brush set yet because I never thought of purchase it until recently I realize that I should get one brush set for myself. Searching and searching then end up still decided to get it from them. Will be include the link on the bottom / end of this post so don't worry ya. I started to have a complete makeup routine like using brush to apply my blush, eyeshadow , eyeliner... I realize using fingers to apply and brush to apply totally diff in term of the color and application. If you wish to have a more tiny and natural kind of make up I TELL YOU..you must start to pick the best brush now.
I'm not really sure how to pick it but for me I'm just a beginner I just hope maybe a 6-8 brush tool in a pack was more than enough for me. Then I will pick my favorite color too. Lastly, the price shouldn't over my budget since I not really use brush. Hmmm so I finally decide to pick....
I come across and keep searching for it. At the end I pick this and I actually fall in love with their 7 pc brush set which not as much as this but I think this worth more and added with some of my favorite brush I think I might be using it for my future application. So....
Don't wanna make my post become super boring so I think I should share with you some of my shopping experience too! HAHAHAHA I keep looking and want to get the purple / mint color actually but end up I picked the black one because I guess black look more classic right? This always happen when we have too many choices. From the 5pcs to 7pcs then end up I still think that 10 pcs was the worth one! HAHAHAAHAH So yea you can slowly have a look. Once I know it I immediately waiting...for it to reach my doorstep! HAHAAHAHAHA SUPER happy♥
Yeah this is exactly how I look like after I get the parcel! HAAHHAHA
So shall we start now? Teehee*
This brush set included the brush cover which is super good in quality. The cover is super soft and feel so good when you touching it. Lol seems so crazy but this is exactly how I feel when I first open and touch it.
Black look super gorgeous now! HAHAAHAH No regret !
The packaging really melt my heart because each brush well covered and protected too. Just I don't like the smell of the plastic. But dont worry you can always open it and placed it above your table let some wind blow it for some time. Then the smell will gone.
CERRO QREEN Fashion Makeup Brush Set Natural Animal Wool - Black ( 10 pcs )
I picked the 10 pieces one because I think it's cheap , worth and just match my needs. HAHAHAAHAH
I know you must be asking.. Wah.. face so big meh?! Why need so many? Any diff?
Yeah! It's diff but don't worry I will should you one by one so you can increase your knowledge on this..For maybe few time you can recognize everything. Once I open it I can recognize the eyeshadow / foundation / eyebrow / blush brush..Others remain 2-3 I not really familiar with but guess one of these must be a lip brush! LOLLLL
Powder Brush : This powder brush is made from a combination of wool & fiver. This can easily hold the powder firmly and ensure the natural and stable-ness of the powder on your face. You just need to apply it with your face powder then take the belly or flat side of this brush and apply your powder, bronzer or blush, and use the tip to place product into the crease of the eye. The size of this brush isn't too large and preferably designed for dual use.
Blush Brush : Made from Goat's Wool because natural goat's wool is comfortable and able to hold the powder firmly too. As usual it look almost same like the powder brush but this one is more soft when you blend it on your face and you can actually feel the texture! Using a proper brush tool to apply your blush will make the color appear more pigmented and the area you apply it will be more better than using a small tiny brush that came with a blush set. But this one usually use at home only because bring it out will be too trouble for the size. HAAHAHAH

Foundation Brush : This is also diff with the previous two brush because it made from fine fiber because fine fiber does not absorb the water and oil on the face and it can be easily cleaned too. Other than that it helps to put on the foundation evenly on the face. Now I only realize why each brush totally diff when it came to the fiber and goat's wool. A foundation brush usually is flat and firm than powder and blush brush.Instead of simply apply it, you should actually use a foundation brush with stippling or tapping motions to create a more even and natural-looking finish.

Eye Shadow Brush : Came with a big and a small size. Wooohooo save my money! HAHAHA I got two eye shadow brush (act like 38 poh) Both from pony's hair and it look like a dome-shaped brush that makes blending easy.Besides, this type of brush is perfect to paint into the creases and to define the shape of your eyes. So your eye actually look bigger and even you put on a darker shapes of eyeshadow your eye still look clean. Sometime apply it with those smaller one easily create an uneven eyeshadow color on both your eye. So I always prefer a brush! HAHAHAH Be sure to start with very little shadow and build your way up to your desired finish. Anyway, a big eye shadow brush can lighten the base of the eye make up where as the small eye shadow brush can be used to put on different colors evenly.

Eyebrow (bottom) Eyelash (upper) Brush : We can call the bottom one as angled brush and the upper one is for eyebrow as well but the bottom one is slightly slanted-shaped brush while the upper one look like our mascara right? The fine tip of an angled brush works well with eyeliners and brow powders. The bristles must be firm enough to hold the product, yet fine enough to prevent heaviness. Makeup using the eyebrow brush enables your eyebrows to look more natural while eyelash brush can be used to shape your eyebrow or comb your eyelash.

Fine Eyeliner Brush : This is a must for a sharp and long eyeliner. Normally I use this with my black gel eyeliner. This able to draw the fitnest eye line that you desire. But this one must every time also clean it if not the next application might not seems to be perfect if you didn't clean it. HAHAHAAH Must always clean every brush you have so that everything look clean and nice.

Fan Brush : This is my first time ...using this !! HAHAHAHAHA It look weird but this use to sweep away the excess powder on your face & it is a must in every girl's makeup set. Oh yea this made by High Quality Goat's Wool. I think in this brush set all white one were made by goat's wool. Am I right? hmmm

Lip Brush : Very less chance can use this because normally I didn't apply lips color but recently I realize that lipstick can make a huge diff on your face! Super chio if you apply chio lips color! HAHAHAH This Rod in shape brush makes it easier for you to carry everywhere,more hygienic,elastic and able to suck tiny powder on the lips. Look like a pen and pen cover hor?! So cute!!!

Where can I get it?
You can get it easily from here I linked it so you just click and pick your favorite color!! It's all depend on your preference see whether you prefer 7 pcs one or they have two sided brush! Now you know why I think it's worth? It's because they having discount for this 10 pcs one!! From RM75.90 > AFTER DISCOUNT PRICE = RM60.72!!! So one brush cost like RM6++ Worth hor..If I purchase it one by one then it might be over my budget too. So from now on I will always remember to clean all the brush I get.
Need to go Daiso get their brush cleanser I guess. I saw it few days ago but I couldn't find it on my nearer Daiso. Maybe need to search for IOI Mall or The Curve Daiso! LOLL But you can also use a gentle bar soap and cold water to clean it if your brush condition is good larh. That's all for today's sharing. Hope you like it & enjoy reading. Sorry if I talk too much....loll
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