Hello my little sweethearts ♥ Oh yea as promised from my previous post I'm gonna blog about someone's birthday party!! Yeap, it's a theme party which invited lots of pretty girls wearing super beautiful 'cheongsam' (Chinese traditional outfit) + Chenelle Buffday too. I think mostly we just have our early CNY celebration there! HAAHAHHA That was just soooo fun because I met lots of new friends and some LONG TIME NO SEE babe. You know right, except events and thing like this you're so hard to see my appear since my stupid last semester was just too busy to me. Until now I still haven do revision for my last paper on Friday. I will do it once I done blogging for this (hopefully) I just have no idea how to start with this subject because it's just so hard :'( International finance and lots of exchange rate stuff... I HATE IT
It's okay just put it behind I have to blog this post first before it's too late. Muhahaha as usual my blog is always full of crap since I'm too talkative but just trying to record as many thing as I can in my blog. But this post is gonna be fun since I have collect lots of Shanghai photo for all of you and also all beautiful ladies inside this post. I just feel that I'm too glad to have pretty girls face appear in my blog. HAHAAHAHAH So, please be prepare because really really have lots of photo~ my god♥ !!!
As usual , I'm the first one who appear on that time while others still suffering the stupid traffic jam! HAHAAHAH Then, Chenelle told me that BoboStephanie reached at Grand Shanghai @Setia Walk too! So what can I do for? Straight away call her and finally we met again!!!! We are the first 2 person reach there and it's kind of awkward when everyone looking at us since we really wear exactly like the theme. and guess what we still saw those waitress there dancing beside us! LOLLLL
They dance every single day. If not mistake I think every hour ...they dance once I guess?! Like just few mins with the music going on. Then everyone was like huh? huh? what happen why everyone suddenly came out in the middle and dance. I feel like joining them dancing too!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA So all the way chatting with BoboStephanie while waiting Chenelle to reach too. Forget how many mins or hour Chenelle reached. We start to crap around and just talk whatever topic we can. Talk about photo and some activities later on!!!
The whole night just SOOO AWESOME♥ Plus, we having fun with those activities especially fun time taking photo with WOWBOOTH and some photographer there too. I didn't really take the camera and walk around because it's so hard to match my camera with the traditional outfit look. So I say BYEBYE to my camera put it on the table and just let photographer do the job! HAHAAHAHHAAH So here's some activities we did on that day. Basically just photobooth time with WOWBOOTH + Photoshooting with photographer and others bloggers + Creating some weird story line while photoshooting + talk talk talk + selfies + Dinner Time @ Grand Shanghai Tea House + run + dance + birthday celebration. So you now can imaging how many energy I used on that night. HAHAAHAHAHAHAHA I'm so hyper as well! LOLLL
I think it's time for the photos...Let's photo do the talking and beware of long photo post!! HAHAHAA So after a while everybody reached at the tea house then we start taking photo with wowbooth and walk to the down stair start our crazy photoshooting time♥ too.
No need to emphasize on how much we love this photobooth. I think never get boring with this because it's a MUST for any party , events or celebration. AHAHAHAH So here's some photo we took with WOWBOOTH♥
Love how talent of WOWBOOTH designer for designing all of these. They're so friendly too!!! Arghhh Just love this and everything was just so MATCH FOR THE THEME♥!! Read my previous post (click here) about A day with WOWBOOTH and I actually visited their office too!! Hehe~
Crazy Photo Shooting Time
After a while when everyone reach photographer start to invite us to have our super fun time photoshooting. Plus, also some cute guy there acting some weird and crazy story line with us!! AHAHAHHA So for this part I'm going to make a little bit diff than other :P I will categories all photo into diff story line! AHAHAHAH Just to make sure that I make it the memorable post as a present for Chenelle too :P HAHAHAHAHAHAAH
#1 Story Line - Girls Being Girl
For this story just featuring few beautiful ladies walking around this old shanghai street. Talking to each other like really really long time no see! AHAHAHAHAHAHA
#2 Story Line - A vintage car with a awkward poser
Just don't know how to pose beside this vintage car. AWKWARD MOMENT !!!
#3 Story Line - A man with lots of wife

#4 Story Line - A group of beautiful girls / A family portrait of all wife
I know this sound hilarious but this is the theme set by me! HAHAHAAHAHAH Kittie was the big wife and Chenelle the smallest one while another 3 of us just being a cruel wife. LOLLL I try to act very cool la...But macam fail -.-
which one you choose for tonight? xD joking!!!
Never bluff you but photoshooting always came out with a story line. A story line make you really enjoy for the whole crazy shooting time! You see!! We are on the right track now! AHAHAHAHA
#5 Story Line - Group Photo with the Birthday Girl
#6 Story Line - Who's the longest leg?
three of us just too crazy! lollll
#7 Random NG photo
#8 Random Selca
After our crazy photoshooting time, it's time to fill up our stomach! I think we used 2 hours just randomly walk around and looking the super chio shanghai decoration all around the whole floor of Grand Shanghai Theme Park. This idea was brilliant!! I wanna bring my grandmama and my bf here !! AAHAHAHAHAHA Maybe can shoot for wedding photo also ok leh!! All food bellow prepared by the chef from Grand Shanghai Tea House♥. nom nom nom nom
The most exciting moment will be the 'Lou Sang' I guess!! Wow photo do the talking everything just look super yummy. Regret that I don't have a chance to try this because I back earlier than everyone there. I just sometime worth than Cinderella lol... But it's okay I'm gonna go there for another time!!! WAIT ME K?
Die also must take a look and upload those photo show to you guys because I heard everyone told me that the food was quite satisfied!!!! I wish I was there for another 30 mins just to try this out :'(
See babe's excited face was just so pretty :3
Love this photo so much!!!Birthday Celebration
This is the main point of whole post k?? Sing birthday song , cut cake session and HAD A BLAST!!! Photo do the rest k? :)
Can I photoshop my face inside it? HAHAHAH Anyone can help? LOLLLL I always leave earlier T.T So sad my face wasn't there but most important is HAPPY BUFFDAY to you babe :) You look so pretty on that night.
For more information , visit
♥Grand Shanghai Food Theme Park♥
♥Wow Photobooth♥
♥Moment Delight♥
That's all for today. Love, xx.
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