Ways to wear off-shoulder top | Styling with Chanwon

26 August 2016

Hello my little Sweeties Welcome back to my blog and I'm happy to be here again with another Styling with Chanwon #OOTD / outfits ideas post! This topic of OOTD post is always my kind of favourite post because I can show you some of my tips and ideas to dress one item into few different ways. Also, to save your closet and money so you can mix & match again your old clothes into a new outfit! Are you ready? Let's get started!!!

For those who followed me on instagram (@chanwon92) you might be noticed that I'm always go for a simple off-shoulder top instead of wearing others. Yeap! You are right I love to wear off shoulder top especially if it's white color or with special pattern / painting on it. Why? :-

1.Because my shoulder is not width enough (an illusion of having a normal and wider shoulder)
2. When I'm wearing an off-shoulder top, it hide my skeleton arm & shows the best part of my upper body 
3. Best way to wear it with my favourite choker

Moreover, off-shoulder top has been one of the best item to match with a high waist bottom with an illusion of having a longer leg and the whole outfit just really stand out well. If you have not own any, then you should definitely go and get one for yourself. No doubt!! 

So here's some the tips and ways to wear an off shoulder top. In this post I'm wearing a white off-shoulder top instead , because you will never go wrong with white colour! 


| #1 Denim Pinafore Dress:-
People will normally match a normal denim pinafore dress with a cropped top or a normal white tee. It's quite boring and it's why I replace the normal top with a white off-shoulder top!

Taaaa-daaa~ Look really Korean now if you match it with a nice sunglasses & a brighter shade of lipstick. Girl who not sure how to wear it in a special way then you can try this! With any kind of pinafore and make sure your off shoulder is plain one without any pattern ya.

Ps: if your off shoulder = colourful / diff printing on it then go for a basic color pinafore instead of denim one!

Next, to complete the whole look I'm matching it with my favourite daisy choker + a pair of brown colour wedges that I bought in Japan.

OOTD Detail:- 
| Zara Sunglasses 
| Wego Daisy Choker 


| #2 Pastel blue one piece:-
Next OOTD I'm wearing it with this Zara pastel blue one piece dress. Yes, it's an one piece dress but because the front part is a deep-v design and I have flat body plus no boobs at all  xD (Bought it long time ago) now I decided to match it with this kind of off-shoulder top. As usual, this kind of mix & match really make my skin look super duper fair! 

Never go wrong with white shoulder-off and choker again! Yes!!

OOTD Detail:- 
| Wego lace white Choker
Zara pastel blue V one piece dress 


| #3 With any type of Skort / Skirt :-
Lastly, matching it with any kind of bottom! Either it's a denim skirt or a long denim pants , you could never go wrong with it. This is one of my favourite kind of travel outfit idea because it looks good in photo and best when you travel to summer season country.

If you prefer to wear it in a normal way then just match it casually with any top. Wear it until you feel really 'sien' then you can randomly match it with other kind of pinafore, one piece dress too. Hope this could be useful for planning your outfit idea and fully utilise your white shoulder-off top! HAHAHAHAHAH I have no time to film video on  my youtube for this because no one there to help me record for the video. So here's the blog post specially plan for all of you!

Another FAQs = What bra I wear when I'm wearing off shoulder top?? You can read this post that I share previously > http://www.chanwon.com/2015/08/peach-john-my-favourite-bras-for-small.html

Enjoy reading! That's all for today and see you on my next post *again*



你好!甜心心们 欢迎回来我这小小的部落格!今天没有什么事情做 所以趁空闲时间来更新一下我的部落格 让你们可以读到烦!哈哈哈哈 !今天的这个文章是我一直以来非常喜爱分享的穿搭文章!

因为有太多甜心们都问我怎么那么多衣服到底怎么搭配  其实每个人都有自己喜欢的风格  以前我的风格是懒到直接买连身裙来穿但是连身裙穿了一次拍了照片出席活动后难免就要把它给遗忘掉久  而久之发现自己越来越喜欢不同的搭配也喜欢买基本款的衣服来搭配自己的裤子  就这样开始省了好多钱而且一件衣服配不同的搭配出席的场合和配件的需求也让我可以一致不停的觉得我自己再穿新衣!


原因一&二:因为我肩膀不够宽 手非常瘦小 很少穿无袖上衣 所以为了整体感觉看起来漂亮,有肉一点我把我的肩旁手旁全都藏起来 露出我上肩膀一半的位子 就这样看起来没那么瘦小 绝妙就是把你自信的地方露出来,不喜欢的藏起来!

原因三:因为把颈项位子露出来可以配搭我喜欢的choker项链 choker中文是什么?短颈项链吗?哈哈哈随便啦你们明白就可以了

另加一个原因:因为实在太容易搭配 任何白色off-shoulder上衣配下半身真的非常简单不管短裤,裤裙或长裤 只要你想到的统统都可以配!绝配!花钱也要用尽它好好来搭配 可能我可以每天都配同样的上衣弄出15个不同类型的穿搭 哈哈哈哈 但衣服一定要洗啊 不能每天穿同样的!哈哈哈哈

个人非常喜爱配搭高腰的裤子因为会把整个体型和脚拉长!这样有非常自然的长腿效果!所以要让自己娇小的身体看起来像名模版 可以搭配高腰+高高的鞋~走起路来也有莫名的风!哈哈哈哈哈 开玩笑 我写中文真的废话很多!



| #1 Denim Pinafore Dress:-
看见大多数的人都会配简单的白色短tee和pinafore (我中文不懂怎么说)做搭配 所以这次来玩一玩搭配 让整个人看起来像在国外的韩妞~对了!没错你需要另外搭配一个非常韩系日系的太阳眼镜 加上简单的choker 整个变到像在国外一样!一个字!美~

卖画赞花香~但这搭配真的很漂亮 人家都把重点放在我的搭配上!美得我看到镜子都偷笑~

如果你的平口上衣是别的颜色还是有花花一些的图案 就很不基本款的那种你就可以配单色的pinafore 越简单越好 如果是像我一样白色平口露肩的那么你的基本上比较好配搭 看我就知道!

把我在日本购买的褐色鞋子派上用场拉!非常特别吧!绝对没想到off shoulder可以那样搭对吗~

| Zara Sunglasses 
| Wego Daisy Choker 


| #2 Pastel blue one piece:-
这款裙子在zara买的 结果因为前口开的很V而且我本身是平胸 平平无几 所以根本不能单穿 丢在一边越看越心痛 结果又给我想到搭配的方法啦!前几天穿出去结果全部人觉得我肤色皮肤非常好 其实我觉得是这款天蓝色 和我发色非常配加上全身都是浅色系所以看了让人非常舒服 很和谐的一个搭配

你不会后悔卖的一款白色上衣 加上穿上裙子后可以遮腋下两旁的肉肉 你们可以配肩膀两旁设计比较宽的 可以遮多一点~哈哈哈哈 穿搭秘密就这样!

| Wego lace white Choker
Zara pastel blue V one piece dress 


| #3 With any type of Skort / Skirt :-
这是夏天的必备!任何裤子 裤裙 长裤 都非常好搭配!要看起来腿长记得记得要配搭高腰的裤子哦!这样整体会看起来很漂亮~

出了每次会在instagram (@chanwon92)分享穿搭还收到很多人问到我穿什么内衣来配搭平口露肩上衣 我都是穿peach john日本的其中一款怎么跳都不会掉的tube bra 文章在这里你们可以看看 > http://www.chanwon.com/2015/08/peach-john-my-favourite-bras-for-small.html

希望你们喜欢我的分享 一篇文章要写两次 我的手按键盘都按到酸去!哈哈哈哈 今天就到此哦~希望你们喜欢 因为原本想把2合为1但看起来很像很乱很复杂 一下英文又中文 所以下次只要有时间都会像这样更新两篇不同的 希望你们喜欢!谢谢你们的阅读!下次见~


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