Hey Hey my sweeties♥ :3 I know you miss me so much and I miss all of you too. Rest so well after this few days break! What I do was just keep on sleep and pamper myself with tons of skincare product that I got from Korea during my Korea trip last time. Finally, I'm able to use it recently and then while I'm multitasking (online , blogging , facebook and doing mask) I just feel I can't live without snack , candy and macarons. You know right... I did some small surprise for my stupid smelly last month on our 1314 days. How I hope Malaysia got Laduree :'( I never try it til now. I hope I'm able to try it on my Japan trip next year. Please aaaa!! Then hor...while I'm google+ing some macarons I also at the same time google some information about Japan MUST grab item. So end up I also get attracted with Japan's Kit Kat flavors. Those like limited edition in special season and new in one.
Remember my previous post about Tamagotchi P's♥(click me) ? Yea...Daph was the one who always makes my dream come true! I actually told her to start her business being like a middle person to help us grab those japan product that we can't find it in Malaysia. She thinks quite a while and discussed it with her hubby. Finally!! She start her own business helping us to get what we want in JAPAN!!! I really want to thanks her x100000 since long time ago because you know Japanese Stuff always look super cute & chio!! Not just item but even food also look sibeh nice one you know!! It's worth for the wait and worth for the price because you no need travel all around Japan to get this. You can always check and follow their instagram, walkinjapan_com (http://instagram.com/walkinjapan_com) & see what's the latest new or popular japanese product!!
So once she start her business. I told her I wanna be her number one customer. So within 30 mins I just send her my shopping list. Hope to grab more since it's more worth with the postage but you know I'm broke recently, but...stil...I decided to ask her grab the Laduree Hello Kitty Bag Charm too. Maybe I'm too crazy but I don't mind because once I get it, I feel so happy and super duper love it♥ So for you information the postage really damn fast. Daph posted it on last Friday and I received it today even it's public holiday today!!!! Thanks EMS and Pos Laju HAHAHAAHHA!! I'm happy girl now~ Hope they can deliver daph to me too. I wanna touch touch her stomach because (congratzzzz to her).....FINALLY got BABY niao♥♥♥!!!! fly kiss**
Don't even know why I can't understand all the japanese hirakana word but I still super happy and feel so sad once I have to unbox the parcel! HAHAAHHAHAHA 38 me! But I just feel like to kiss someone just now. I'm sleeping then suddenly I heard someone knock my door with this parcel from Japan . I was like REALLY?!!!!! OMG OMG OMG then straightly open it. lolx So simple lo. I just write a shopping list for daph and wait for her reply and quote me for the price. After that wait for every 15th of the month she will post everything to you...
I tell you this month I eat bread also very happy !! AHAHAHHAHAH Really happy since I got all the stuff I love. Actually this is just 10% still got 90% shopping list haven send her. I must save money and buy from her again. Motivation level up up up♥~ So here's some of the item I bought from her. Definetaly start with my favorite Laduree item. I want to get their cosmetic product too but really have to take care my wallet now :P HAHAHAHAHAHA
♥LADUREE Hello Kitty Book
So nice T.T REALLY NICE !!! The notebook came with 3 diff color but I definitely go for this pink and blue color combination. I love this until I don't feel like to open it. Don't even wanna write on this notebook wtf?! Just so perfect hor!!!! Beside the notebook inside the plastic got a hello kitty macarons bookmark too. The cover of the book is just TOOOOO CUTE! Look at the colorful macaron with hello kitty head on top. ARGHHH I wanna eat it. lol
Detail of each page still so nice & cute
If everyday I write those important note inside this notebook, I'm sure I will remember it and this motivate me to do more too. lol (Think too much)♥LADUREE Bag Charm
This I haven open it up because the packaging so nice. I wait til my new wardrobe reach my house then I only open and put it as my room deco! Damn nice the packaging box!! wahlao T.T I can't resist the cutest of it. Overload !!!!! Then at first I thought it was a key chain, but it's actually a bag charm. I have no idea how would it look like if it attach to the bag so I google it for a while..I saw this!!!
I don't have any Prada bag. If I own one I'm sure I will attach to it. So nice hor?!!!! Especially the mini macarons beside the hello kitty charm! wtf?!! Damn pretty and I don't like Prada but once I see this I feel like I'm gonna get one just for this charm. Lol so so so cute I guess it will be nice if attach with pink or light blue color bag. Am I right? Arghhhh!! So cute!!!
♥Market O
For those who read my Korea Trip blog post you will know what's this. It's a MUST item for you to get it home when you travel to KOREA!! This is a popular brand that you can see almost everywhere in Korea convenience shop. I'm craving for this so long and previously I ask my friend to help me but I think it's too trouble for them. Then I keep mention it on my @dayre!! Daph saw it and told me that Japan selling this too. So I added this in my shopping list too. Now it's inside my stomach! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
♥Japanese Fruit Candy
Why you so sweet daph :'( She know I love fruit candy a lot and when I'm moody or unhappy...I will craving for this.. Then she also included 3 packs of fruit candy as a free gift for me lorh. Wanna hug her tight and finally everything arrived on my doorstep this morning. Made my day and cheer me up!!! The candy even came with a zip lock packaging then the candy smells so so so good!! Taste like a real fruit and rich in vitamins.
HAHAHAHA Naughty Bebe want this too! You see his expression so stupid and smelly x) HAHAHAHAAHAH
♥Limited Edition KitKat
YOU KNOW THIS RIGHT? I'M SURE YOU KNOW THIS!!!! I saw this all around my fb news feed. wtf?! Then I asked daph is this available and she say YES! OMG OMG I want this. At first she wanna refund my remaining money for me but I that since I paid for the postage and it's more nice to use it all lah. So I ask her to grab some extra kit kat for me too. Those limited edition in that season or not available in M'sia one. I guess Malaysia apa pun tak ada one -.- So I wanted the mocha tea one and THIS!!!
I'M GONNA TRY THIS!!Packaging so nice T.T
I heard that the strawberry flavor too sweet so I give up on that even I'm always prefer pink color food! HAHAHA I picked this mocha tea one!! So nice leh and now I left 5 mini pack on my room only -.- wtf?! fat you can grow all over my body but please don't grow on my chubby face ok? Already so chubby!!!
Wah! So yummy leh! HAHAHAHAHA Really can't get enough of this!
I don't have the bake machine so I tried my oven and guess what, it melted and the biscuit in the middle taste so crunchy! Then another pack I just eat like that also taste super good woh! WHY MALAYSIA YOU DON'T HAVE ALL DIFF FLAVORS one!! Why you just have original chocolate flavor :'( WHY WHY WHY WHY???
So, it's end of my post but still I'm going to post this up since it's already in my wishlist for such a long time. Only available in Japan Laduree as well. I purchased everything in my own money and I know all of you want to get thing in Japan and not sure how and what's the way to grab it. So now you can put 100% heart and start to write your own japan shopping list . Then what you need to do is just LINE▶️▶️daphnefroggy ,wait for her reply with a quoted price.
This is the reason I always support her to start with this business. Well packed parcel with a lovely note on it. It's my 3rd notes from you daph :) Melted me!!! xx
Shows your support for her because I really wish that she can help everyone of you to get things you want. I always want and hope to get japan product, but no one willing to help me do so. Being a helper as a middle person wasn't easy. She need to collect enough item and purposely went to diff store to help you grab it. Then for that passion and energy I really think that it's totally worth since you no need travel all the way to Japan just to grab it or begging someone to help you grab it home. The price list will be given by her after you send your shopping list or item you want for her. So yea...for those who love japan product / cosmetic / food & etc...
YOU CAN START TO create your own shopping list now! HAHAHAHAHA Thanks daph for the help to grab all of the item above and hope your business slowly BIG BIG BIG BIG ya! Remember to take care yourself with your baby and I'm going to be her/his kai ma soon! Take care and stay sweet with Danny too <3 Love xx.
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