Herloo People♥ :P Sorry I'm late..I don't know why my facebook's 'Like' button can't function recently? need to click again and again..even myself need to click it first it just will show how many person 'like' the post before .___. damn you!
Back to the topic..I promise everyone to post my photos but I disappear for this few days ♥:P I'm having my Mid term Test recently until next week..So sorry ya..That's why I can't earn much from nuffnang :( Help me click the adv and visit here more♥..Really lack of money now! Last time still can do some job as part time..But now..Haix..assignment again! my god :"( kill me please!
Just upload some of the photos cause my blogspot damn slow .___. one by one upload..I dunno why?! Line problem or? So enjoy ya :) Do visit their blog ! James,Hinika and Junior's Blog..:) Thanksss♥..
stupid pose .___.
By James♥..Black and White Princess ..errrrr~
When I'm angry .__. so ugly -.-
Now is Junior's Turn♥! lalala~
Last but not least...Hinika's photo is my ♥ :D He pro snap his lovely wife and also all of us..:) like all of them! Enjoy your honey moon's trip ya! ! Junior and James's photo too! All of the photos is just SOOOO lovely♥ :P Syiok sendiri...LOL
Falling in love with this picture ♥.. :)
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