Finally I'm here to reveal the story behind our #SHOPLOOOHxChanwon yearly project. It's filled with joys and tears. This is the third year I'm doing these projects but this time, it's more meaningful for me as it's an exclusive collaboration with a brand that I wear since year 2013. It's been 7 years since 2013 and usually all these collaboration project takes almost half year to transform from an ideas to a whole collection products. I really enjoy the process of it. I learned so much on this project and this time, I'm so happy we made it even though everyone of us are struggling due to the conora virus and pandemic period.
I remember in the early of 2020, the founder and director of SHOPLOOOH came to KL and we had a great time catching up about our life and plan in year 2020. Then they told me if I'm interested to have a cross over and collaboration with them. It came across an ideas of my yearly collaboration projects and I told them the ideas right away during the meet up.
Then TAA-DAA, the super 'on' and 'click' moment happened in early of 2020. Then we proceed to do some research on things we both wanted and in my mind, I thought of doing something different. So two weeks after our meet up, I came out with a proposal and style I want. The whole collection is something really different from what I have done previously.
We both choose from sweet, casual style to a cool but everyday can wear kind of collection. So at the end we picked the style for this collection and listing it out the kind of clothing I want and then from proposal to deciding each pieces of items, trying different color and material of the clothes, waiting sample to come, having zoom meeting while MCO, designing logo, all the preparation, story board, mood board and then after a total of 4-5 months of preparation, it's now turned into reality.
Learning from my first yearly project until this time, we have more team involved in this project. I'm not alone at all. For this project we actually planned for making this more like a concept exclusive shoot and we move out from having the photo shoot indoor. We decided to add on also a story-telling kind of video which brings out my tagline / slogan of 'NEVER STOP TRYING'.
There are few challenge through this whole collaboration. Firstly, the MCO. We have to stay at home and then the delayed of receiving the sample. The oversea supplier and everything of our plan just stop at the beginning. I'm anxious about it and worried about our collaboration. I remember I called Audrey and told her if we need to postpone it til the end of the year or we should go ahead.
At the end of the call, we both really really wanted this to launch so we just stick back to our plan and imagine how struggle we are during MCO. Everyday I'm hoping our clothing sample can start to produce so we can also look through the material or else our progress just stop there. We experienced ups and downs but all of us trying to motivate each other. So during the work from home MCO period, we just keep brainstorming and discussion the story board and the social media posting.
Once we are safe to go back to our office, we started to continue our plan and slowly increase the progress of this collaboration. I'm so happy that we manage to launch it on this month despite all these challenge and go through all of these. I'm really grateful for having #TeamSHOPLOOOH on this project. It's so meaningful to me as it's a brand that I wish to add value to and growing up with them since 2013.
They have seeing me as a little chanwon til now while for me, I see how they grow from an online store with only both of the directors, using timer to take photo until now they have their own team and still growing. We both really growing together and nothing can describe how I feel when I saw my whole collection and photo on their website now.
The second challenge is the style. I'm more of a sweet and casual style person but I have always wanted to try a 帅气 style. Normally for collaboration project, I want to create something different so I have to study and having discussion with SHOPLOOOH from time to time. They are more experience on this unlike my first ever project, it's more dress and mainly dress material while this time, including the Tee, all the top and bottom's material and colors is something new to me. But I'm really happy that we have go through all of these and decide the color, material and details of each items.
The third challenge is due to limited time, we really just chase the time since the beginning of RMCO until now. Except for chasing the timeline, making sure everything to be done on time, there are also some design which can't proceed due to the limitation of materials, delayed due to covid-19 and failed sample. Every morning we wake up in a heart attack lol. Also at first I wanted a special FREE GIFT of the whole collection but at the end, we decided it with the Slogan T project but I'm really thank god for this decision. The tee turned out really nice and with the new, re-brand logo of SHOPLOOH, everything just turned out perfectly and on time.
I finally can sleep better now. There are still 2 more days until the official launch of the whole collection on 21st JULY 2020 (Tuesday) 11pm sharp. Then now I have 6 hours left to get a rest and I will need to head over to SHOPLOOOH HQ @Batu Pahat for the Facebook Live before the official site start selling our collection. I really can't wait to share my happiness with each of you.
So for this collaboration we also got a special tag on every of the pieces from this collection. It included the paper tag, thank you card, the product's label cloth tag & etc. All specially designed and exclusively used on the whole collection. When I first started with the idea of this exclusive collection, I wanted to really include something personalised or something I draw / write on the paper and cloth tag.
Then we thought of maybe I can doodles something on it. At the end after few discussion I decided to choose dandelion to represent my story of 'NEVER STOP TRYING'. I picked up a skill during MCO which is to learn how to doodle and doing live through instagram just to spend time and interact with all of my sweeties fam and then now I'm using the skill to draw it and include it into this collection. I'm really happy and I'm grateful that I learned to doodle from my friend, Limzy. Thank you Limzy for teaching me how to use iPad to draw this and turned it into an AI file lol. I'm really not a person who smart on doodling and turned it into a digital file HAHAAHA!!
So here's the final logo:-
with tagline design
Pure Logo
So back to the story, when it comes to my story of 'Never Stop Trying', I though of dandelion. It constantly uses various methods to sow seeds and survives from the strong wind. At the end of the day, it found a place for itself and continue growing and sow seeds. I love how it used to represent the whole collection.
I remember I wrote down all my story to SHOPLOOOH TEAM and we picked the keywords from the whole long essay lol. Yes basically I'm like writing a blog post of this NEVER STOP TRYING story to them lol!! Then ended up we decided to elaborate it as :
坚持不懈,不断前行,勇于尝试,找到自己Persevere, keep moving forward, dare to try, found yourself.
All of these = NEVER STOP TRYING.
Just like me. I received many msg from you guys asking how to know what I want in my life, what I'm suitable on, how to pick the right dress or outfit to yourself and why I'm so determine to learn something new or setting my own goal every year?! There is only one answer from me, never stop trying.
Only when you willing to give it a try and never stop trying, you found yourself. For example, if you don't give it a try, you will never know whether if it's suitable you. I only able to found myself after years and years of trying. I try to work many part times then I knew that I'm really passion on things I like so then I decided to pursue my dream of being a full time blogger til now. Many of you asking why I'm good on dressing up or knowing which items look good on me, it's all because I keep trying on many clothes and at the end of the day I know which suit me the most.
Everyone laughed at my dance video when I first shared it on my social media platforms, but because I knew that I will regret if I dont give it a try and so, I just go ahead. I'm not afraid of all these obstacles because even fail from it, at least I tried , I give my best and no regret after all.
You know when you willing to try, you are stepping out from your comfort zone and there are nothing that you can't do if it's really something that you want it. If you think you can, you really can! This is what I used to say it through all these years. When people laughing at my dream, I'm feeling sad but the next step, I choose to take all these negativities as motivation to drive me further. If I can do it, you too.
So with all these story of my life, we did this collection video as a short film and sneak peek teaser for you guys (CLICK HERE)
Like all of my yearly collaboration project, I will model for the items because personally I think I'm the one who came out with it and no one can represent it better than myself. So since we challenge to move the shoot outdoor, yes, outdoor really scared me like shit. I checked on google and iPhone weather prediction reports, it showed raining through these 3 days during the final date of our shoot. I have a love-hate relationship during the shoot, first I should thank god that there is no rain during our outdoor shoot and it only rain at the late afternoon!! Sibeh lucky and then when we went to the shoot from the morning at 7am, I thought the weather should be just nice but ended up 33 degree celsius. We go to those location which is just out of nowhere lol. I dont even remember where is that because I'm in the mood of preparing the shoot, looking at the mood board and thinking if it's rain what should we do, any plan B lol.
But at the end thank god it was a super hot and sunny day AHHAHAHAHA. Seriously, I really thank god that I didn't fall sick after the shoot because I still need to come back KL on the next day and prepare for the live session again on tomorrow.
Here's some of the BTS taken by our phone lol. Even teamchanwon who followed me to the shoot can't stand with the weather and shoot. I really can't imagine how all those worker working under such hot weather. Really sweat until my whole bra get wet right after I went out from the car. Like just 30 mins everyone wrap like a bun, some more need to wear face mask omg.
This is the day before our video shoot. Everyone look super stress as we worry about the weather and the sudden changes of our shoot. So we need to have another meeting with the whole team including the videographer and also photographer. Then making sure the concept and preparation are all done. I can't sleep on that day honestly lol. It's one I can only take only one project a year 🤣 Now let's the photo do the talking and you will know how hot it is lol. I need to put on x438732942 facial masks after the shoot lol
Outdoor Mirror HAHAHAAHA
Everyone get ready at 7am, ironing all the clothes, preparing the props and drive to the venue. From 10am until early 1pm we shoot the outdoor part on the short video for this collection. Then I also having the first experience on getting changed inside a tent lol.

I though it's fun but hell ya, hot like hell inside. The sun is just right above my head and I hardly breath inside the tent. OMG No joke I really sweat like hell and I can feel my armpit and bra getting wet right away I enter here for the first time lol.
Then we need to rush to the second venue. Somewhere beside the beach area there. It's right in the afternoon, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. But still need to complete the whole shoot so I keep telling myself to keep calm like 心静自然凉 lol Also changing outfits and makeup as well.
Then suddenly wind too strong and need extra manpower to hold on the tent lol.
Seriously, no joke the outdoor shoot is scary but also so fun! HAHAHAHA Because it's been like years that I never done any outdoor shoot like this in Malaysia. Lama-Lama Sekali boleh lah!! After that everyone get 2 shades darker on our skin tone. I apply 92374924923 beauty mask after this, what repairing clinical mist and mask. No joke man!
But just now, it's my first time seeing all the photo from the team. I really feel like crying and it's actually not the first time I did photoshoot with the photographer and videographer team. My old blog header was taken by Ryim and during few official launch at HQ SHOPLOOOH, they are the one who handling all the video and photo part. So I think we really know and understand each others. Everything done for the creative part and now remain the collection to speak for itself. 最後能做的就是讓作品說話
Once again, a big thank you to SHOPLOOOH TEAM and founders of Shoploooh, Audrey, Garrick, Ryim & the photography Team , Ah Ho the videographer team, Mica who accompany me to the shoot and taken all BTS & stories as well and everyone who involved in this project.
ARE YOU READY FOR THE #SHOPLOOOHxChanwon Collection?! Let's get started!
- THE #SHOPLOOOHxChanwon Collection -
Mark your calendar and you will be able to grab it on this coming Tuesday, 21st JULY 2020 at 11am sharp. I hope you are fast and lucky enough to grab at least one item from this collection. Because everything comes in limited pieces!! Are you ready to look at the whole collection? I'm sharing some of the photo with you, the rest you can take a look when the items are available on the official site.
Also catch up with me through Monday, 20th JULY 2020 @8pm, live session to know how we came out the idea for each pieces design and details too! See you there!
**CLICK HERE TO SHOP FOR #SHOPLOOOHxChanwon Collection (the items will be available on 21st JULY, 11am sharp)
I will also sharing more BTS details through my instagram and stories! Stay tuned for more and tips on how to style on all these beautiful pieces. If you grab any of these items, just hashtag #SHOPLOOOHxChanwon in your post so I can repost and watch you wearing our collection as well.
The official site now is super beautiful filled with our collection photo! I screenshot it as a record so next time it can reminds me of this whole experience 😭 I'm really happy!!
Good night everyone! See you on my next post. Love, xoxo.
**CLICK HERE TO SHOP FOR #SHOPLOOOHxChanwon Collection (the items will be available on 21st JULY, 11am sharp)
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